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"Fight Club"

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Mon 18/02/02 at 18:59
Posts: 787
There haven't been too many 'game-to-film conversions' over the years, but I think 'Fight Club' would be one of the best! Games of films like Cliffhanger and Terminator weren't brilliant, and Fight Club could bring something new to the next-generation of gameplay, Streets of Rage style, something we loved but haven't seen for ages!

All the characters could be created to look and act just like they do in the film. The actors from the film, such as 'Brad Pitt', 'Edward Norton', 'Helena Bonham Carter' and 'Meatloaf' could all have their voices recorded for each in-game character, just like the 'Buffy' game, un-like Sarah Michelle Gellar. This would help the game to appear more like the film, and you'd feel that you were becoming 'Tyler Durden'!

Remember Streets of Rage, that was a brilliant game and everyone, even non Sega fans had to admit it was truley brilliant! Many people have been anticepating the return of this gaming series, on a greater format than the Mega Drive, but it is so far yet to happen.
If you've seen the film, then I think you could agree that the SoR style could suit a Fight Club game very well!
You could go around cities starting fights with people, completing missions set by the leader (your homework) and eventually start NEW Fight Clubs around the globe.
You may also notice that a slight GTA 3 style could also be added to this game, and make it even greater and even more enjoyable!

Like many games now-a-days, different modes (easy to difficult) make a game more challenging, more enjoyable, and help it to last much longer than with only onw mode.
I think that in Fight Club, you could have different modes, each one more difficult and challenging than the last.

You could start off as the 'Conrnelius' (Edward Norton) character, where you feek like you've just lost everything, Tyler Durden first enters your life, and you become the second EVER member of 'FightClub'! You'll have to prove yourself to Tyler in this mode, as a good fighter who never gives up and sticks to the 8 (well, 5 different) rules.

Then, you'd move on to being a more reliable member of Fight Club, where you're given more important missions and tasks to complete, and you'll virtually become Tyler's sidekick, waiting on his every comand.

And the third, most chalenging mode, would be when you become 'just like' Tyler and have to travel around the world setting up new Fight Clubs wherever you go, with whoever you find. This would also be at the same point that you realise that Tyler's gone. Or is he???

And to complete the game you'd have to realise 'the truth'. But if you haven't seen the film, I won't spoil it for you :)!

I this game would be brilliant for the GameCube, as it would show that Nintendo aren't ONLY mainly interested in games that appeal to younger gamers. And Fight Club would have a more serious approach, probably 18 rated (like the film), and it'd also something that could appeal to young people, aswell as older.
Capcom would probably be likely developers for this game, as they've worked on the likes of Street Fighter and Resident Evil, which are 2 serious minded games.

Alhough it would be great on the GameCube, due to it's graphical potnetial and reliable control system, similar graphics could be found on a PS2 version, and even greater ones if it was to appear on the X-box! And I also think the same could be said for the control-systems of each console.

I'd definitley go out an buy this game, and it would be right at the top of my list of 'games2get' on the GameCube! People who loved the film would love this, just like I would! What do you think???
Sat 02/03/02 at 19:21
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Yeah, those were good ideas allardini.
But isn't there already a Rock Manager game??
And well done for the GAD, hopefully i'll win for my next game idea.

CLUE: It's Simpsons related and could be appearing soon...
Fri 01/03/02 at 22:49
"allardini's tagline"
Posts: 3,396
Solskjær_24 wrote:
> Hmmmmm.....maybe I should go and work for Rare or someone when i'm older?? And
> instead of being a potnetial character designer person, I should try and design
> games, like Fight Club! Even if it would be a few years late!

I'll also try
> and come up with some more of my game ideas soon :)

I won GAD for some game ideas a while back. Go check it out!
Wed 27/02/02 at 20:31
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Hmmmmm.....maybe I should go and work for Rare or someone when i'm older?? And instead of being a potnetial character designer person, I should try and design games, like Fight Club! Even if it would be a few years late!

I'll also try and come up with some more of my game ideas soon :)
Wed 27/02/02 at 13:51
"allardini's tagline"
Posts: 3,396
I replied to this in the Nintendo forum. It's a fab idea!
Tue 26/02/02 at 19:39
Posts: 0
Tell you what would make a good film to game conversion-Enemy of the State. You would have to run from your enemies, get involved in high speed chases and use the enemies weapons/technology against them.
Fri 22/02/02 at 00:42
"5 European Cups!!!"
Posts: 5,795
That's a great idea for a game, and Cinnamon was riht, it would incorparate the free-batt;le style of Shenmue(I've seen Fight Club).

P.S, Its on the Sky Premier channels to be exact ;)
Wed 20/02/02 at 15:46
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Thanks Cinammon, and I never thought of it being like The Bouncer or Shenmue before! And I spose it would be actually, you should see the film, it's brilliant!!
Just as long as you don't mind the odd bit of swearing and fighting. It's usually on Sky, once a week. Look out for it.
Wed 20/02/02 at 15:24
Posts: 379
I haven't seen the film, but it sounds like it would make an excellent game - especially the way you described it. Sort of a cross between the gritty innercity atmosphere of Grand Theft Auto 3 and the freestyle fight scenes from Shenmue or The Bouncer perhaps.
Mon 18/02/02 at 18:59
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
There haven't been too many 'game-to-film conversions' over the years, but I think 'Fight Club' would be one of the best! Games of films like Cliffhanger and Terminator weren't brilliant, and Fight Club could bring something new to the next-generation of gameplay, Streets of Rage style, something we loved but haven't seen for ages!

All the characters could be created to look and act just like they do in the film. The actors from the film, such as 'Brad Pitt', 'Edward Norton', 'Helena Bonham Carter' and 'Meatloaf' could all have their voices recorded for each in-game character, just like the 'Buffy' game, un-like Sarah Michelle Gellar. This would help the game to appear more like the film, and you'd feel that you were becoming 'Tyler Durden'!

Remember Streets of Rage, that was a brilliant game and everyone, even non Sega fans had to admit it was truley brilliant! Many people have been anticepating the return of this gaming series, on a greater format than the Mega Drive, but it is so far yet to happen.
If you've seen the film, then I think you could agree that the SoR style could suit a Fight Club game very well!
You could go around cities starting fights with people, completing missions set by the leader (your homework) and eventually start NEW Fight Clubs around the globe.
You may also notice that a slight GTA 3 style could also be added to this game, and make it even greater and even more enjoyable!

Like many games now-a-days, different modes (easy to difficult) make a game more challenging, more enjoyable, and help it to last much longer than with only onw mode.
I think that in Fight Club, you could have different modes, each one more difficult and challenging than the last.

You could start off as the 'Conrnelius' (Edward Norton) character, where you feek like you've just lost everything, Tyler Durden first enters your life, and you become the second EVER member of 'FightClub'! You'll have to prove yourself to Tyler in this mode, as a good fighter who never gives up and sticks to the 8 (well, 5 different) rules.

Then, you'd move on to being a more reliable member of Fight Club, where you're given more important missions and tasks to complete, and you'll virtually become Tyler's sidekick, waiting on his every comand.

And the third, most chalenging mode, would be when you become 'just like' Tyler and have to travel around the world setting up new Fight Clubs wherever you go, with whoever you find. This would also be at the same point that you realise that Tyler's gone. Or is he???

And to complete the game you'd have to realise 'the truth'. But if you haven't seen the film, I won't spoil it for you :)!

I this game would be brilliant for the GameCube, as it would show that Nintendo aren't ONLY mainly interested in games that appeal to younger gamers. And Fight Club would have a more serious approach, probably 18 rated (like the film), and it'd also something that could appeal to young people, aswell as older.
Capcom would probably be likely developers for this game, as they've worked on the likes of Street Fighter and Resident Evil, which are 2 serious minded games.

Alhough it would be great on the GameCube, due to it's graphical potnetial and reliable control system, similar graphics could be found on a PS2 version, and even greater ones if it was to appear on the X-box! And I also think the same could be said for the control-systems of each console.

I'd definitley go out an buy this game, and it would be right at the top of my list of 'games2get' on the GameCube! People who loved the film would love this, just like I would! What do you think???

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