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"[GAME] Draw Something - iOS/Android"

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Mon 02/04/12 at 11:15
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Pictionary isn't the first source I'd suggest for a hit game, but developer OMGPOP seemed to know what they were doing when they used it as the basis of their latest iOS and Android game; Draw Something.

Draw Something is a (free) drawing game where 2 players take it in turns to guess each other's drawings using a set of scrabble-like tiles to form the word.

It's much more than this, though, thanks to the social integration through Facebook, which allows you to easily find friends that are playing the game (or have it installed) and connect with them to play. This instantly gives you a fast and efficient way to connect to people. Don't have Facebook? You can opt to use usernames or email addresses instead and then connect via those.

Once you do connect, though, the fun really begins. The tools for drawing may seem rather basic at first; a set of different width pencils for lines and rubbers to rub out, plus a small range of colours. But this is a game where stickmen and arrows rule and getting your idea across is limited only to your imagination.

Three word choices present themselves to you at the start of the game; an easy word gains you and your partner 1 coin, something from the middle gains them 2 and a hard word will net 3 coins. These coins are then used to buy extra colour sets or bombs.

Bombs come in very handy if you get stuck. They remove some of the letters that aren't needed for the word, just as a 50/50 in Who Wants to be a Millionaire removes half the answers from a question. If you're not on the same wavelength as your partner then they could well be used up very quickly and there's a temptation to do this to make things easier. but new sets of bombs cost quite a few coins and it's best to keep some back.

You can, if you really want, pass a question. This resets the counter which tells you how many correct answers you've managed to give and is a little soul destroying. I've only had to do this once and I regretted it for a long time after, so please don't even think about hovering your finger over that button unless you really, really need it.

That's the beauty of Draw Something, though. It's completely arbitrary, there's no reason why you can't cheat and draw letters or words or just cancel every difficult question, but you just won't want to. Between you and the various players you'll play against, there are un-written rules that do not need explaining.

I play Draw Something for the challenge and the feeling I get from winning a particularly difficult word. I even get a buzz when someone else has twigged a baffling 3 point word from me due to an unspoken cultural reference. I make no apologies for drawing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a big red arrow to their sensei to explain the word Splinter or drawing the Cookie Monster for the word Cookie. These things are done because they need to be and because I've delved into a hive mind of references that I share with friends and colleagues

So, Draw Something, a simple drawing pad tool and scrabble tiles merged together with an exiting social networking system. On paper it shouldn't work half as well as this, but it does and I'm hooked.

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Mon 02/04/12 at 11:15
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Pictionary isn't the first source I'd suggest for a hit game, but developer OMGPOP seemed to know what they were doing when they used it as the basis of their latest iOS and Android game; Draw Something.

Draw Something is a (free) drawing game where 2 players take it in turns to guess each other's drawings using a set of scrabble-like tiles to form the word.

It's much more than this, though, thanks to the social integration through Facebook, which allows you to easily find friends that are playing the game (or have it installed) and connect with them to play. This instantly gives you a fast and efficient way to connect to people. Don't have Facebook? You can opt to use usernames or email addresses instead and then connect via those.

Once you do connect, though, the fun really begins. The tools for drawing may seem rather basic at first; a set of different width pencils for lines and rubbers to rub out, plus a small range of colours. But this is a game where stickmen and arrows rule and getting your idea across is limited only to your imagination.

Three word choices present themselves to you at the start of the game; an easy word gains you and your partner 1 coin, something from the middle gains them 2 and a hard word will net 3 coins. These coins are then used to buy extra colour sets or bombs.

Bombs come in very handy if you get stuck. They remove some of the letters that aren't needed for the word, just as a 50/50 in Who Wants to be a Millionaire removes half the answers from a question. If you're not on the same wavelength as your partner then they could well be used up very quickly and there's a temptation to do this to make things easier. but new sets of bombs cost quite a few coins and it's best to keep some back.

You can, if you really want, pass a question. This resets the counter which tells you how many correct answers you've managed to give and is a little soul destroying. I've only had to do this once and I regretted it for a long time after, so please don't even think about hovering your finger over that button unless you really, really need it.

That's the beauty of Draw Something, though. It's completely arbitrary, there's no reason why you can't cheat and draw letters or words or just cancel every difficult question, but you just won't want to. Between you and the various players you'll play against, there are un-written rules that do not need explaining.

I play Draw Something for the challenge and the feeling I get from winning a particularly difficult word. I even get a buzz when someone else has twigged a baffling 3 point word from me due to an unspoken cultural reference. I make no apologies for drawing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a big red arrow to their sensei to explain the word Splinter or drawing the Cookie Monster for the word Cookie. These things are done because they need to be and because I've delved into a hive mind of references that I share with friends and colleagues

So, Draw Something, a simple drawing pad tool and scrabble tiles merged together with an exiting social networking system. On paper it shouldn't work half as well as this, but it does and I'm hooked.


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