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"Favrouite course on Mario Kart 64?"

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Sat 21/12/02 at 11:17
Posts: 787
Many people have their favrouite favrouite, I have many favrouites including, Choco Mountain, Kalamari desert. Also there are a few which people detest. Post your favrouites and your worst tracks. jc
Sat 21/12/02 at 12:43
Posts: 21,800
Wario Stadium was a great track, only problem was if you're playing against someone not so experienced with the game then you can beat them easily using the shortcuts.

Favourite was probably DK's Jungle Pathway, it was just so damn fast.
Sat 21/12/02 at 12:37
Posts: 6,989
Mario Kart 64 is one of the best multiplayer games that I had. My favourite track would probably be Yoshi's Valley or Choco Mountain.

They were all good tracks, and it is hard to pick the worst one.
Sat 21/12/02 at 12:05
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Moo Moo Farm, ummm, because it has cows! :D Nah, probably Toad's trunpike, and I really hated Rainbow Road. *Shudder*
Sat 21/12/02 at 12:04
"Link to the Future"
Posts: 719
I don't know which I like they're all so good!

But if I had to choose I'd proably say...... DK's Jungle, that's a classic track.
Sat 21/12/02 at 12:01
"Australian Person."
Posts: 280
Yeah, that's how I like it. It makes for a more tight finish usually.
Also don't you just love using the lightning on people before the jump in Wario Stadium! :D

Can't wait for Mario Kart on the Cube!
Sat 21/12/02 at 11:55
"hit the road jack"
Posts: 2,538
Yeah.. I like them but Wario Staudium and Rainbow road are rather long
Sat 21/12/02 at 11:40
"Australian Person."
Posts: 280
Lets see...
Koopa Troopa Beach
Kalimari Desert
Toad's Turnpike
Wario Stadium
Royal Raceway
DK's jungle parkway
Rainbow Road

Every track in Mario Kart 64 is a classic I reckon.
I like Skyscraper for battle.
Sat 21/12/02 at 11:17
"hit the road jack"
Posts: 2,538
Many people have their favrouite favrouite, I have many favrouites including, Choco Mountain, Kalamari desert. Also there are a few which people detest. Post your favrouites and your worst tracks. jc

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