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"Crazy Taxi: Country'n'Western Edition"

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Sun 10/02/02 at 10:15
Posts: 787
Take a well-known game, keep the gameplay the same, then change the environment in which the game is set, and hey presto! a new(ish) game is born!


Swap the busy urban streets of San Francisco for the dusty roads of the Mid West American countryside.

Replace the inner-city customers with classic American country characters like hill-billies, cowboys & girls, Hell's Angels, Bible-bashing preachers, wacko UFO-spotters, horse whisperers, silicon enhanced strippers and Klu Klux Klan members. - (Okay, maybe not KKK members)!

Introduce new customer destinations like farms and ranches, trailer parks, isolated gas stations, seedy motels, militia training camps, flower-power hippy retreats, strip joints and born-to-be-wild biker bars.

Short-cuts would include ploughing through swaying wheat fields, smashing through barns full of hay and doing Dukes of Hazzard-style corkscrew jumps over rivers.

Replace the yellow cabs with Stars&Stripes paint-job cadillacs.

Introduce dangerous elements like twisters, dust storms, runaway herds of buffalo and psycho 18 wheeler truck drivers.

Change the in-game music to twangy ("my woman left me and now this bottle of Jack daniels is my only friend") country'n'western songs.

Keep the Crazy Taxi gameplay basically the same, and there you have it: 'Crazy Taxi: Country'n'Western Edition'.

An instant smash!

Oh yeah, and replace Axel, Gus & co with four new cabbies:

Cabbie 1: DUSTY - a shaven-headed, long-bearded (slightly off his rocker) hill-billy.
-Catch phrase: "Yeeee-hah!"

Cabbie 2: DOLLY - a gum-chewing, large-breasted peroxide blonde country girl.
-Catch phrase: "I'm all woman, baby!"

Cabbie 3: BOBBY SIXKILLER - a Native American wearing a black hat with a raven's feather in it.
-Catch phrase: "Woah! Woah! Woah! (Red Indian war cry).

Cabbie 4: MUNGO - a cowpie-eating, tobacco-spitting meathead.
-Catch phrase: "Ping!" (that's the sound of his spit hitting the bottom of a metal bucket).
Fri 12/04/02 at 10:15
Posts: 3,182
Oh yes, this would work. I'm obsessed with the Crazy Taxi games, and I've often thought they should take the cabs out of the city and put them in a rural environment.
Tue 12/03/02 at 15:28
Posts: 760
Cinnamon wrote:
> the inner-city customers with classic American country characters like
> hill-billies, cowboys & girls, Hell's Angels, Bible-bashing preachers, wacko
> UFO-spotters, horse whisperers, silicon enhanced strippers and Klu Klux Klan
> members. - (Okay, maybe not KKK members)!

A four strong gang of Klu Klux Klan members waiting for a taxi outside a strip joint would be funny. And when they got into the cab just think what they would say in that deep south accent.
Tue 12/03/02 at 12:10
Posts: 379
Dr. Strangelove wrote:
> Wasnt there a game, kinda like this (kinda) called 'Moonshine' or something?

* * * * *

"Kinda" in what way?
Thu 07/03/02 at 12:34
"Eric The Half A Bee"
Posts: 5,347
Wasnt there a game, kinda like this (kinda) called 'Moonshine' or something?
Wed 06/03/02 at 21:36
Posts: 760
You know, I can just see myself speeding along a backwater dirt road in my stars'n'stripes cadillac taking a Bible bashing preacher to a whorehouse to the sweet melody of a Dolly Parton song. But you know what? - It will never happen... sad that.
Sun 03/03/02 at 10:36
Posts: 379
> I don't think that would be very good the first 2 are very good.

I was being slightly sarcastic you know....
Thu 28/02/02 at 21:58
Posts: 0
nice idea though.
Thu 28/02/02 at 21:55
Posts: 0
I don't think that would be very good the first 2 are very good.
Mon 11/02/02 at 14:10
Posts: 379
I hope Crazy Taxi 3 on Xbox has a different slant to the first two. Maybe I should send them my Country'n'Western idea.... then again, maybe not.
Sun 10/02/02 at 10:38
Posts: 760
lol! I'd buy this game! Sorta Crazy Taxi mixed with Vigilante 8!

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