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Now some of you will be very familiar with the tales of Naruto, a plucky young ninja who we follow from a troublesome child to a hero of his village and saviour of the ninja world. Well this game is a tad different to most other Naruto games and not just a straight forward beat em up you might expect, but different doesn’t always mean bad, however, for me, in this instance, it didn’t mean great either!
The game is set at the start of Naruto Shippuuden, so for those who have not followed the anime or played other games, there will be references and characters who you do not know and this game does not really do well at explaining things or back tracking to help the new guys out, so if your new to Naruto, then you won’t be playing this for the story. That said, I think it is safe to say that no one will be playing this for the story as such, while it is an interesting section in the anime and follows the Akatsuki (bad guys) trying to take out tailed beasts and become even more powerful to rule the Ninja World, this game follows it and the same events occur, but throw in some completely idiotic new ones and with cut scenes and dialogue being all over the place, the overall experience is not the same as watching or reading it first hand.
So this leaves the gameplay to dazzle us with and make us believe we are the ninjas running around and using chakra to power ultimate jutsus to defeat the enemy…….. well not really, the controls are basic and the move set per character is rather weak. The game sets out as a Dynasty Warriors style game where you take on hordes of weak enemies and then the occasional boss like figure pops up, not really what Naruto is about in my opinion and it seemed like a game which was rushed just to push the franchise as it grows in popularity. Others may disagree and think I am being rather harsh on this occasion, but I really enjoy Naruto and always look forward to the new games, especially the Ultimate Storm games on the consoles and even the earlier ones which were Xbox only, they made you feel part of the world Naruto lives in, this game has poor graphics, basic controls and the environments are just a forest, or dungeon which have no relevance to the various lands we see throughout the Naruto world.
This game may keep you interested for a little while just because you are a big Naruto fan and like seeing the characters and the cut scenes are still shots from the anime, or the fact there are cards to collect to power up your characters, but even this grows old as you end up having the same card set for each character. I just wish this was more than a rushed, button bashing, hack and slash where no skill is required. A real let down for me, and even more so when I paid out £30 to download of the psn store, do not make the same mistake as me!
Now some of you will be very familiar with the tales of Naruto, a plucky young ninja who we follow from a troublesome child to a hero of his village and saviour of the ninja world. Well this game is a tad different to most other Naruto games and not just a straight forward beat em up you might expect, but different doesn’t always mean bad, however, for me, in this instance, it didn’t mean great either!
The game is set at the start of Naruto Shippuuden, so for those who have not followed the anime or played other games, there will be references and characters who you do not know and this game does not really do well at explaining things or back tracking to help the new guys out, so if your new to Naruto, then you won’t be playing this for the story. That said, I think it is safe to say that no one will be playing this for the story as such, while it is an interesting section in the anime and follows the Akatsuki (bad guys) trying to take out tailed beasts and become even more powerful to rule the Ninja World, this game follows it and the same events occur, but throw in some completely idiotic new ones and with cut scenes and dialogue being all over the place, the overall experience is not the same as watching or reading it first hand.
So this leaves the gameplay to dazzle us with and make us believe we are the ninjas running around and using chakra to power ultimate jutsus to defeat the enemy…….. well not really, the controls are basic and the move set per character is rather weak. The game sets out as a Dynasty Warriors style game where you take on hordes of weak enemies and then the occasional boss like figure pops up, not really what Naruto is about in my opinion and it seemed like a game which was rushed just to push the franchise as it grows in popularity. Others may disagree and think I am being rather harsh on this occasion, but I really enjoy Naruto and always look forward to the new games, especially the Ultimate Storm games on the consoles and even the earlier ones which were Xbox only, they made you feel part of the world Naruto lives in, this game has poor graphics, basic controls and the environments are just a forest, or dungeon which have no relevance to the various lands we see throughout the Naruto world.
This game may keep you interested for a little while just because you are a big Naruto fan and like seeing the characters and the cut scenes are still shots from the anime, or the fact there are cards to collect to power up your characters, but even this grows old as you end up having the same card set for each character. I just wish this was more than a rushed, button bashing, hack and slash where no skill is required. A real let down for me, and even more so when I paid out £30 to download of the psn store, do not make the same mistake as me!