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"Not our fault..."

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Tue 14/01/03 at 13:42
Posts: 787
Pathetic. Really, really, pathetic. Dr Kim Howells MP last week blamed the rise in gun crime on “boasting macho idiot rappers”, this week its movies, TV and video games. I thought our country’s current American style epidemic of avoiding the blame only extended as far as those silly Direct Line (and the like) adverts offering thousands of pounds when you’re injured by your own stupidity. However, it seems high profile MPs are also keen to insist that society’s problems have nothing to do with them, the arbiters of the law which forms the basis of a civilised society, but some other factor beyond their control.

Okay, the So Solid Crew was a poor starting point. Blaming the rise in gun crime not on the under funded police, not on useless customs controls and not on lean sentences, no, it’s obviously those comical “hard men” rappers. I find it a little offensive that as a 21 year-old voter I can be entrusted with the responsibility of sitting on a jury or selecting the next government, but I’m still so malleable and weak-willed that I may shoot someone because of some UK Garage track. Anyway, that’s not the issue on a gaming forum…

What is relevant here are Dr Howells’ new comments that video games and movies desensitise us to violence to such an extent that we may think shooting someone is an acceptable means of settling a dispute. Not the government’s fault, oh no. Picking the easy target of violent video games is much easer as to the majority of voters they are still an alien past-time.

The movie industry is forced to restrict the access to their more violent titles through a legislated ratings scheme. They have no choice in this matter and as I see it no one can complain about this system. If a child manages to watch an unsuitable title that’s the parents fault, not the movie makers. However, the government has dilly-dallied over imposing such a scheme on video gaming meaning that the publishers and retailers have formed their own, non-binding, system.

Surely this is an example of games developers showing responsibility. Sure, a minority still use violence and brutality in a manner that appeals to the lowest common denominator, but at least they attempt to make sure the audience is suitable. Dr. Howells commented that he watches his “kids constantly playing blood-spattered video games”, so what’s his point? The gaming industry provides its own ratings system and gives information on this at every single point-of-purchase. They also provided a detailed guide to the game’s content or the rear of the box, highlighting any violence or other unsuitable material. If he chooses to ignore this and let his kids play titles that have been deemed unsuitable for their age group that’s his problem.

Naturally, the whole concept is flawed in that test after test has failed to find any link between playing violent games and the likelihood of committing actual violence. What, am I thinking… that would require the Minister to apply logic to the situation and lose his scapegoat.
Wed 15/01/03 at 16:57
Posts: 9,848
Dr Gonzo wrote:
>Dr. Howells commented that he
> watches his “kids constantly playing blood-spattered video games”, so
> what’s his point? The gaming industry provides its own ratings system
> and gives information on this at every single point-of-purchase. They
> also provided a detailed guide to the game’s content or the rear of
> the box, highlighting any violence or other unsuitable material. If
> he chooses to ignore this and let his kids play titles that have been
> deemed unsuitable for their age group that’s his problem.

If a kid is playing unsuitable games, it's the parents fault.
Why punish the rest of the population.

Still, it's nothing I'd get worked up about.
There was a fuss over rock music, there was a fuss over violent films, there's always a fuss about new things...

People will understand in the end.
Having said that, some of these people are such idiots.
By the way they go on about how bad these games are, anyone would think that violence was a concept created in games that was never around before...
Wed 15/01/03 at 16:41
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
Yeah man, I was playing GTA 3 while listenin' to D-12, and I thought, "Man, it would be great to shoot that Dr Kim Howells like I do on GTA. Man, I feel like shooting someone...."
I mean, er,
Tue 14/01/03 at 18:46
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
I have to listen to Death Metal, sometimes.

Doesen't make me want to kill people (for the torture inflicted on me)

Tue 14/01/03 at 18:46
Posts: 1,864
Weird wonder wrote:
> They get all competetive in parliment... what about banning that!

Here, here!
Tue 14/01/03 at 18:40
"Fear my wrath..."
Posts: 2,044
I agree completely. I've never shot anyone, never plan on doing so but play these so called "violent games".

I also listen to rap music with a Parental Guidance sticker. Again I don't kill people.

I play a game called Mafia. Yet I'm not part of a gang who goes around beating people up and shooting people.

Games and films are all fantasy. Rap is just a form of poetry with music.

Everytime this issue crops up everyone seems to forget it's the people that kill people, not the things they listen to and play. If something causes them to be violent, then thats poor parenting or an insecure family unit in my opinion.

I've got a strong family unit that's taught me the difference between right and wrong. I have morales, I don't see the point in killing someone. Sure it can look glamarous or "cool" when I see it in a film, but that's because I know noone is getting hurt. If they were I'd agree they have a point. I'm too sensible and considerate to kill someone, and nothing in a game or film si going to persuade me otherwise.

It's an issue that keeps propping up but as far as I'm concerned the people that point the blame are not professionals, they have no evidence to back up their claims that "game and film and music glamorise violence causing people to kill others". If they did I think most of my schoolmates would be serving life sentences for crimes they copied in the games they frequently play.
Tue 14/01/03 at 18:16
Posts: 11,038
Kyz22 wrote:
> maddmun wrote:
> Kyz22 wrote:
> If you watch a movie like Resavoir dogs and feel to urge to kill
> someone, surely the same person would watch Mary Poppins and leap
> from
> a roof holding an umbrella.
> Politicians suck.
> I tried that once...hospitals are nice.
> Hospitals suck

Better than ambulances though. THey do more damge than if they leave you lying there
Tue 14/01/03 at 18:09
"Look!!! Changed!!!1"
Posts: 2,072
Your "perfected typing skillss" don't extend to use of capital letters I see. :)
Tue 14/01/03 at 16:55
Posts: 3,307
politicians pfff what do they know about videogames? hah! theyve probably never played one in their entire pathetic lives and then they dismiss videogames as "violent" regardless just to shift the blame off of themselves..

oh sod this i could moan and winge about them all day but my perfected typing skills would be wasted on them, their just looking to shift the blame onto something or someone else constantly, muppets.

slik ~_~
Tue 14/01/03 at 16:50
"Z will be here soon"
Posts: 7,562
maddmun wrote:
> Kyz22 wrote:
> If you watch a movie like Resavoir dogs and feel to urge to kill
> someone, surely the same person would watch Mary Poppins and leap
> from
> a roof holding an umbrella.
> Politicians suck.
> I tried that once...hospitals are nice.

Hospitals suck
Tue 14/01/03 at 16:48
Posts: 11,038
Kyz22 wrote:
> If you watch a movie like Resavoir dogs and feel to urge to kill
> someone, surely the same person would watch Mary Poppins and leap from
> a roof holding an umbrella.
> Politicians suck.

I tried that once...hospitals are nice.

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