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"do u have any grand turismo 3 a spec codes"

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Tue 28/01/03 at 06:09
Posts: 787
can u give me some grand turismo 3 a spec codes
Tue 28/01/03 at 13:08
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264
There are no direct cheats, the only other option (apart from AR/Gameshark) is to get hold of an old Issue of PSI (was that it's name ?) magazine, published by Datel it's coverdisk contains lots of saved files including 100% on GT3 !

Failing all the above, complete it yourself !

I wiped my memory card (intentionally) 6 months ago and got upto 100% again, it was hard work and I won't be doing that again, those enduracne races gave me nightmares.
Tue 28/01/03 at 11:10
"Bounty housewife..."
Posts: 5,257
To answer your initial question - if you want to cheat / unlock parts of GT3 without working your way through it, the only way is as FM has explained. There are no joy pad cheat codes available so Action Replay / Game Shark is the only way to crack it open.
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:48
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Use the Xploder cheat system instead of Gameshark, Xploder (either of the two versions (V2 or V2 Pro) can accept Action Replay or Gameshark codes, which usually but not always work.

V2 is £17.99
V2 Pro is £22.99

but I haven't a clue what features the Pro has over the V2.

Either can use codes to unlock almost any feature of Gran Turismo 3 A-spec.

You can get either from this site, just type 'Xploder' into the search field and hit Go!
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:42
Posts: 7,741
ibthebigplaya wrote:
> yea but that doesnt tell u anything

well then go on another cheat site like and stop spamming.
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:35
Posts: 0
where do i get a game shark and how much r they
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:29
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Gameshark codes or another cheat system?
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:23
Posts: 0
yea but that doesnt give u any good cheats
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:21
Posts: 0
yea but that doesnt tell u anything
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:18
Posts: 7,741
scroll up. see link called "cheats". click on it.
Tue 28/01/03 at 06:09
Posts: 0
can u give me some grand turismo 3 a spec codes

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