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"My Top 10 Games Ever"

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Thu 17/01/02 at 22:22
Posts: 787
What makes a great game, I’m sure that everyone will agree, is the game play. Although graphics etc are a factor in any game basically none of that matters because if a games bad, no matter how good the graphics are, it’s still a bad game.

I have played many games over the years and here are my top 10 games.


10. Championship Manager.

Apart from the first one, which is poor, each installment just keeps on getting better.

I first started playing CM2 and me and my good friend started a game in the German league, we played it for months. Game after game, season after season year after year. It was so addictive! Then came CM3, which was even better, and the newest one has just came out.




Without a doubt the greatest football game ever. Each year FIFA gets better and better and I just can't get enough, no matter what you play it on, PC, Playstation etc, its just amazing. The newest installment, FIFA 2002, is no exception to that rule. The graphics are look stunning and the game play matches it.



8. Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.

This game is one of the best adventure games out there. Sierra have brought out alot of classic adventure games but this is one of the best. The graphics are crude to say the least but it was the 80's. I've been playing this game since I could talk and it still brings me enjoyment. My old Atari ST brought me such fun in my youth.

You start out side a bar and you are Leisure Suit Larry who wears a nice white suite and is going bold, your quest, SEX!

You go to corner shops, bars casinos, clubs get married, mugged until you finally get your goal.

If you haven’t played it yet, you must get it right now; it is easily downloadable if you use any search engine.


7. Kings Quest IV

Another quality adventure game from sierra. There is just too many to mention. This is about a guy who is a slave for an old evil wizard. You are actually a king and you have to take your birth right. This involves magic, robbers, evil monsters killing, everything! This is another must for any adventure lover. It continues to bring me entertainment and again this is easily downloadable.



This game was simply amazing when it cam out, each installment in the series is even better than the one before and GTA3 looks to be following this pattern.

Incase you haven’t played or heard of this game its basically about you, a small hood doing jobs for gangs and avoiding the police. As the name suggests you steal cars, sell them, do drug deals, kill people and cause destruction and death. A classic and unusually a fairly new game.


5. Sonic 2

Although SEGAs little blue hedgehog has been in a few games now, this one is the best, not that I’m saying any of the others are bad. This one just stands out. SEGA hit the jackpot with this one and it really is an epic game, so well designed and the best platformer ever. Sonic is the daddy; Mario doesn't even get a look in. I love this game and still play it to this day. It might not be the most challenging game ever but it is so fun and entertaining. If you don't know who sonic is you have been living on the death egg for the past 10 years.



4. Road Rash 2

This game is superb. Basically you race motorbikes in the streets and use chains clubs, fists and your feet to get the better of your opponents. You have to watch out for traffic and the law or you’re in big trouble. This is one of the best games that you could get on the SEGA Mega Drive and is one of the best games ever. I loved it and still love it. This game has stood the test of time.

It is much better than the first or any of the later games, one of a kind and it just couldn't be emulated.


3. Street Fighter

Street Fighter is a classic beat em up game that everyone knows and loves, it was so good they made a film! Each character had some kind of story about who they are and what had happened to them and they all managed to be linked in some way. It set the standard for this genre and still remains the best. I can't see there ever being anything likes this again, it is an epic. It started off as an arcade game but it quickly game into our homes on the SNES and the Mega Drive. It still lives on and will never die.


2. Command and Conquer

This is one of the most popular games ever, it’s really good and it keeps getting better. This is a classic strategy game that is a better alternative to Microsoft’s Age of Empires. The game is about the war against GDI and NOD. GDI the good guys and NOD the bad guys. When playing you can go either one of these sides. It’s not the single player that makes this game good; it’s the Multiplayer. Probably the best on line game ever.

That’s really all there is to say about this game but it’s a must to buy this game.


1. Broken Sword

These two games are the best point and click adventure games that you can get and I spent hours, days, weeks playing these games. I hope that there will be a new one out soon because these are great. The two games have huge stories, which involve George Stobbart and his French reporter girlfriend Nico. I'm not going to go into details, just play them!


This can't really be put into any kind of order and its really tough picking the top 10, there are many many great games out there, just keep playing and remember the classics are usually the best, go back to the days of the mega drive and atari etc if you want the cream of the games.
Fri 18/01/02 at 11:45
Posts: 10,759
My top 10 was not in any particular order.
Fri 18/01/02 at 11:44
Posts: 10,759

arguable, here are my top 10

10. Goldeneye
9. Perfect Dark
8. Wave Race - World's best water graphics
7. Red Alert 2
6. Black and White
5. Max Payne
4. Mario 64
3. Mario Kart 64
2. Shenmue I
1. Shenmue II
Fri 18/01/02 at 10:37
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
Or the Spice Girls game...

You see, it's too hard to make a top 10 because there are so many games to consider!
Fri 18/01/02 at 10:35
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
Waht about the Army men series HUH? *pokes in chest*hadn't thought about them ay?
Fri 18/01/02 at 10:32
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
slave2games wrote:
> You didn't even
> include a Mario, Sonic, Zelda or Goldeneye. Tsk tsk, I am ashamed of you

Sonic was No. 5, wasnt it?
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:36
"poo poo for you!"
Posts: 2,161
SSB !!!! as if you don't include it!!!
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:28
Posts: 2,148
slave2games wrote:
> Something tells me you have a bad case of favourtism, i.e, you like the games with the best graphics and latest technological resources. You didn't even include a Mario, Sonic, Zelda or Goldeneye. Tsk tsk, I am ashamed of you

well if you are saying c&c has good graphics then look again, they are very ugly, the reason i only mentioned this game is the others are very well known in the console market etc and eveybody should know they are good, but c&c is mainly a pc game and sometimes overlooked by people.
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:17
"5 European Cups!!!"
Posts: 5,795
Something tells me you have a bad case of favourtism, i.e, you like the games with the best graphics and latest technological resources. You didn't even include a Mario, Sonic, Zelda or Goldeneye. Tsk tsk, I am ashamed of you
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:12
Posts: 2,148
yup i agree, comanand and conquer was the king when it came out (i still love it) i don't know how microsoft pulled of a copy of the gameplay in aoe, but nowadays the best stategy games are comaand and conquers elder brothers, like redalert 2.
Thu 17/01/02 at 22:22
Posts: 0
What makes a great game, I’m sure that everyone will agree, is the game play. Although graphics etc are a factor in any game basically none of that matters because if a games bad, no matter how good the graphics are, it’s still a bad game.

I have played many games over the years and here are my top 10 games.


10. Championship Manager.

Apart from the first one, which is poor, each installment just keeps on getting better.

I first started playing CM2 and me and my good friend started a game in the German league, we played it for months. Game after game, season after season year after year. It was so addictive! Then came CM3, which was even better, and the newest one has just came out.




Without a doubt the greatest football game ever. Each year FIFA gets better and better and I just can't get enough, no matter what you play it on, PC, Playstation etc, its just amazing. The newest installment, FIFA 2002, is no exception to that rule. The graphics are look stunning and the game play matches it.



8. Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.

This game is one of the best adventure games out there. Sierra have brought out alot of classic adventure games but this is one of the best. The graphics are crude to say the least but it was the 80's. I've been playing this game since I could talk and it still brings me enjoyment. My old Atari ST brought me such fun in my youth.

You start out side a bar and you are Leisure Suit Larry who wears a nice white suite and is going bold, your quest, SEX!

You go to corner shops, bars casinos, clubs get married, mugged until you finally get your goal.

If you haven’t played it yet, you must get it right now; it is easily downloadable if you use any search engine.


7. Kings Quest IV

Another quality adventure game from sierra. There is just too many to mention. This is about a guy who is a slave for an old evil wizard. You are actually a king and you have to take your birth right. This involves magic, robbers, evil monsters killing, everything! This is another must for any adventure lover. It continues to bring me entertainment and again this is easily downloadable.



This game was simply amazing when it cam out, each installment in the series is even better than the one before and GTA3 looks to be following this pattern.

Incase you haven’t played or heard of this game its basically about you, a small hood doing jobs for gangs and avoiding the police. As the name suggests you steal cars, sell them, do drug deals, kill people and cause destruction and death. A classic and unusually a fairly new game.


5. Sonic 2

Although SEGAs little blue hedgehog has been in a few games now, this one is the best, not that I’m saying any of the others are bad. This one just stands out. SEGA hit the jackpot with this one and it really is an epic game, so well designed and the best platformer ever. Sonic is the daddy; Mario doesn't even get a look in. I love this game and still play it to this day. It might not be the most challenging game ever but it is so fun and entertaining. If you don't know who sonic is you have been living on the death egg for the past 10 years.



4. Road Rash 2

This game is superb. Basically you race motorbikes in the streets and use chains clubs, fists and your feet to get the better of your opponents. You have to watch out for traffic and the law or you’re in big trouble. This is one of the best games that you could get on the SEGA Mega Drive and is one of the best games ever. I loved it and still love it. This game has stood the test of time.

It is much better than the first or any of the later games, one of a kind and it just couldn't be emulated.


3. Street Fighter

Street Fighter is a classic beat em up game that everyone knows and loves, it was so good they made a film! Each character had some kind of story about who they are and what had happened to them and they all managed to be linked in some way. It set the standard for this genre and still remains the best. I can't see there ever being anything likes this again, it is an epic. It started off as an arcade game but it quickly game into our homes on the SNES and the Mega Drive. It still lives on and will never die.


2. Command and Conquer

This is one of the most popular games ever, it’s really good and it keeps getting better. This is a classic strategy game that is a better alternative to Microsoft’s Age of Empires. The game is about the war against GDI and NOD. GDI the good guys and NOD the bad guys. When playing you can go either one of these sides. It’s not the single player that makes this game good; it’s the Multiplayer. Probably the best on line game ever.

That’s really all there is to say about this game but it’s a must to buy this game.


1. Broken Sword

These two games are the best point and click adventure games that you can get and I spent hours, days, weeks playing these games. I hope that there will be a new one out soon because these are great. The two games have huge stories, which involve George Stobbart and his French reporter girlfriend Nico. I'm not going to go into details, just play them!


This can't really be put into any kind of order and its really tough picking the top 10, there are many many great games out there, just keep playing and remember the classics are usually the best, go back to the days of the mega drive and atari etc if you want the cream of the games.

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