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"Smash Brothers outsells PS2 PAP"

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Wed 16/01/02 at 21:55
Posts: 787
Not sure about the figures cause I can't remember them, but Smash Brothers Melee is outselling MGS2 in the States.

I would give you the figures but i'm not in the mood to do any research.

If you already have had a topic about this then sue me, I really don't care.

Anyway enough of my intresting topic i'm off.

Oh and one last thing I know the topic was very biased, as I said earlier I don't care sue me.
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:14
"5 European Cups!!!"
Posts: 5,795
Strafex wrote:
> Sales figures are facts, not opinions.

You mean they aren't?

Cool! That
> means I can say that:

"In my opinion, Hitler was a
> woman."


"In my opinion, I can jump onto the moon from my school
> roof."


"In my opinion, the Gamecube is out in Europe and outselling
> the PS2 and Xbox put together..."


No. You can't change facts and call
> them opinions! :-)

just reverse that sentence!
Thu 17/01/02 at 23:06
Posts: 2,148
Strafex wrote:
No. You can't change facts and call them opinions! :-)

well tabloids do it all the time.
Thu 17/01/02 at 16:30
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
Tiltawhirl wrote:
>Smash Brothers outsells PS2 PAP.

Let me guess you read digitiser. Ok then hows this for laughs, Final Fantasy X sold 2,500,000+ copies in Japan alone, SSBM sold a mere 931,495.

and don't call MGS2 PAP!!!
Thu 17/01/02 at 16:26
Posts: 9,848
Sales figures are facts, not opinions.

You mean they aren't?

Cool! That means I can say that:

"In my opinion, Hitler was a woman."
"In my opinion, I can jump onto the moon from my school roof."
"In my opinion, the Gamecube is out in Europe and outselling the PS2 and Xbox put together..."

No. You can't change facts and call them opinions! :-)
Thu 17/01/02 at 16:15
Posts: 2,148
i think metal gear solid sold sold better then the gamecube, (in my opinion).
Wed 16/01/02 at 22:03
Posts: 21,800
===SONICRAV---> wrote:
> Tiltawhirl... have you just got the Ninty fanboy fever, or were you always like
> this???

Oh, and what's with posting this in 2 rooms... that's a newbie thing
> to do!

Because i'm bored and ummmmm.......i'm bored ummmmm and I ummm.........

Wed 16/01/02 at 22:01
Posts: 5,448
Tiltawhirl... have you just got the Ninty fanboy fever, or were you always like this???

Oh, and what's with posting this in 2 rooms... that's a newbie thing to do!

Wed 16/01/02 at 22:00
Posts: 18,775
Tiltawhirl wrote:
Maybe that's because Nintendo rule
> and Sony sucks?
Maybe i'm not saying it is but maybe it is you never know

Good argument,have a gold star
Wed 16/01/02 at 21:58
Posts: 21,800
Mystique wrote:
> Maybe thats because Metal Gear has been sold out for two of the five weeks it
> has been out.

Maybe that's because Nintendo rule and Sony sucks?

Maybe i'm not saying it is but maybe it is you never know.
Wed 16/01/02 at 21:57
Posts: 18,775
Maybe thats because Metal Gear has been sold out for two of the five weeks it has been out.

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