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Looking good. Seems like a lot of research and effort has come through. Good news, functionality is not affected like previous MGS games. I can see this probably being a temperlate for all future stealth games. Hell, that alone renders most games redundant and cranky. Including most of its rivals or the ones that are selling well.
Your views. Admittedly this will probably turn the tide for sony. Unless something absolutely horrible occurs. EG Sony upping the price knowing that they have a best seller or MGS 4 was all smoke and mirrors and that was the only good part.
Five months after the PS3 version, which they're also taking preorders for.
However, I'm more a fan of Mercenaries 2, where you'll get the chance to blow everything up. Yeah!
SSBB is where my money would be going first though, then Halo 3, then probably Haze. Demo for Heavenly Sword should be out today too, and that looks like another stunner.
However, I'm more a fan of Mercenaries 2, where you'll get the chance to blow everything up. Yeah!
SSBB is where my money would be going first though, then Halo 3, then probably Haze. Demo for Heavenly Sword should be out today too, and that looks like another stunner.
What I dont like, and its been the same really in the whole series, is that Snake can carry a whole armys worth of weapons in his skin tight suit!
Needs changing.
Still, early days.