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"Crush (PSP)"

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Sat 14/07/07 at 23:05
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
I can't really think of any great puzzle games over the last year or so apart from Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 and even that had it's limitations due to lack of movement and freedom.

Crush is a platform game but it's a platform game that forces you to think in true 3d, it's not just a case of looking around to see where the next place to jump to is or where the next item is located. It's considering how you are going to get to that next platform or item.

Crush has you playing as a metal patient who is trying to work through his issues using a new technique, called unsurprisingly C.R.U.S.H.

You have to work through memory's of locations of the main character collecting Orbs to open the exit , the only way to get all the orbs is to solve what sometimes is a very difficult and complex puzzle with only one possible solution.

Graphically Crush has an almost Graphic Novel look to it with detailed backgrounds and more vivid and outlandish colors on the character and level.

The sound for the game is a tad boring really, some basic music on a loop and the odd sound effect from the character and objects in the level. I'm not sure what it's missing but it does need something added to it as personally i just turn it down and plug my headphones in to my mp3 player.

As you progress through the game new objects are added to levels to help you solve the puzzle there are also types of blocks and obstacles added to levels, such as blocks that collapse after you touch them and creatures that try to hurt you as you navigate the levels.

Crush offers several hours of game play and some maps will take a long time to work out, sometimes making them frustrating and will probably have you switching to another game for a bit to clear your head.

To play the game you have a full 3d platform, you can then use the C.R.U.S.H. ability to make it go 2d, when it is 2d some blocks will be able to be passed through others will block your path, when you C.R.U.S.H. again the world returns to 3d but you might be on another block on the other side of the map depending where you moved to in the 2d world. It's a very hard thing to explain and the best thing i can think of is for you to go check out a game play video on your favorite games site to see how it plays. (I'd suggest

This isn't a game that will spend hundreds of hours in your PSP but i expect you'd get a pretty decent amount of time out of it.

Well worth getting or at least checking out if you get the chance.
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Sat 14/07/07 at 23:05
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
I can't really think of any great puzzle games over the last year or so apart from Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 and even that had it's limitations due to lack of movement and freedom.

Crush is a platform game but it's a platform game that forces you to think in true 3d, it's not just a case of looking around to see where the next place to jump to is or where the next item is located. It's considering how you are going to get to that next platform or item.

Crush has you playing as a metal patient who is trying to work through his issues using a new technique, called unsurprisingly C.R.U.S.H.

You have to work through memory's of locations of the main character collecting Orbs to open the exit , the only way to get all the orbs is to solve what sometimes is a very difficult and complex puzzle with only one possible solution.

Graphically Crush has an almost Graphic Novel look to it with detailed backgrounds and more vivid and outlandish colors on the character and level.

The sound for the game is a tad boring really, some basic music on a loop and the odd sound effect from the character and objects in the level. I'm not sure what it's missing but it does need something added to it as personally i just turn it down and plug my headphones in to my mp3 player.

As you progress through the game new objects are added to levels to help you solve the puzzle there are also types of blocks and obstacles added to levels, such as blocks that collapse after you touch them and creatures that try to hurt you as you navigate the levels.

Crush offers several hours of game play and some maps will take a long time to work out, sometimes making them frustrating and will probably have you switching to another game for a bit to clear your head.

To play the game you have a full 3d platform, you can then use the C.R.U.S.H. ability to make it go 2d, when it is 2d some blocks will be able to be passed through others will block your path, when you C.R.U.S.H. again the world returns to 3d but you might be on another block on the other side of the map depending where you moved to in the 2d world. It's a very hard thing to explain and the best thing i can think of is for you to go check out a game play video on your favorite games site to see how it plays. (I'd suggest

This isn't a game that will spend hundreds of hours in your PSP but i expect you'd get a pretty decent amount of time out of it.

Well worth getting or at least checking out if you get the chance.

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