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"SR Under Attack! Part 2: Alliance"

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Wed 26/12/01 at 17:22
Posts: 787
As news of the terrible attack on Special Reserve spread all over the forums, staff were busy implementing the emergency measures. The backup server was online, and they had secured the stock at a secret underground bunker. They knew that they could not close in these crucial times of January sales, and kids spending Christmas money. However, even as the emergency measures were being implemented, an even greater threat than the now deceased Bin Larden the pig was being readied by the evil terrorists.

The scene of destruction posted all over the UK chat forums’ front page was shocking, and shook many posters. The banner next to it was a questionable attempt at rallying support for Special Reserve. It showed Tony pointing towards the camera, with the text ‘Special Reserve needs YOU! Fight for cheap games and Game A Days!’ The scene and banner had prompted many regulars to visit the scene of the destruction, at what remained of Special Reserve HQ. However, disaster was ready to strike for a second time.

As Cooky arrived, back from the greatest holiday he had ever experienced, he decided to post a quick message on Nintendo’s ‘Worlds Longest Thread’. As he logged onto he noticed the horrifying scene of destruction, and smoking N64 cartridges. He rushed to Special Reserve HQ to see it for himself. As he arrived, he noticed many more, standing, mourning. But in the background was shouting, and anger. Cooky noticed Magma Dragon yelling at Rickoss, and moved to intervene. However, before he could SonicRav was already on the scene, in an attempt to cease Magma Dragons accusations that it was Nintendo forum goers who had orchestrated the attack. In the heat of the moment Rickoss lost his normal cool, and shouted back similar accusations of the Sony fans. Soon, a considerably large crowd had gathered around the pair, and two distinct groups were forming, one on each side, sizing each other up. It looked like there was going to be a riot.

Cooky quickly picked up his mobile, and called me.
“Something big is going down at Special Reserve HQ. It looks like there could be a full scale war with the Sony forum. You gotta get down here, and I mean now!”
I informed the other Nintendo Elite’s, and the six of us met up. However we were too late. Rioting had started. Cars were overturned, and people were crawling away from the scene, bloodied, and in need of medical attention. We had to do something, and fast.

Suddenly a voice boomed out over the carnage.
“STOP!” whoever it was, was booming into a loudspeaker, “Stop all this madness! No one from the forums would ever do this to Special Reserve! We all know this, so why are we fighting? We must unite to be strong in the face of this attack!” By now I had recognized the voice. It was Kid Rock. I stood up from the hiding place behind an overturned car, and walked towards Kid Rock. Slowly, one by one, the rest of the Elite’s did the same. As we approached Kid Rock a group emerged behind him. One by one Triple H, Spike, Longy, Pro Evo, and SSXpro emerged. The six of us locked eyes with the six Sony fans. All was tense for a few moments that seemed to drag on for an eternity. I took one step towards Kid Rock and extended a hand to him. He grasped it and shook. We smiled. I turned around and announced, “From now on petty differences must be put aside. We will stand up and fight as one. Fight for Special Reserve and for the forums!”

In one voice Kid Rock, Triple H, Spike, Longy, Pro Evo and SSXpro declared, “We are the Playstation2 Crew!” and Kid Rock continued, “We will fight with the Nintendo Elite’s to restore peace and order.”

I nodded. “And we, the Nintendo Elite, will strive to protect the future or Special Reserve and the forums. We will fight alongside the Playstation2 Crew and any who will join our quest! Without Special Reserve where would we be?”
“Game or Electronics Boutique probably!” announced a grinning Rickoss. Magma Dragon grinned and the two shook hands to make amends. The crowd cheered. It looked like the forums were united.

Suddenly, a huge explosion rang out behind the wreckage of Special Reserves previous Headquarters…


Dedicated to everyone who has died as a result of terrorism, and those affected by it.

Also dedicated to people who fight for their causes without causing harm to others.

Special Thanks to everyone who has posted on the Nintendo WLT, the PS2 Crew, and the Nintendo Elites. And anyone who has read this.
Sat 29/12/01 at 19:35
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
well, it is up now, and I dunno how many parts. It was gonna be three, but has grown quite a bit... I am working on no. 4 which is quite long (part 3 is relatively short) and I am aiming for six parts. So ... watch this space for more news. Part 4 will probably be up tomorrow or day after by the way.
Sat 29/12/01 at 12:37
Posts: 23,218
ok sibs i will look out for it then =)
have many installments will there be?
Sat 29/12/01 at 12:13
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
hello again, the next part to this series should be posted sometime today or tomorrow. Watch out for it, and please reply to it if you enjoy (or don't as the case may be) the next installment.

Anyway, thanks for reading.
Wed 26/12/01 at 23:27
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
anyways, it is not like official, just to be used in my little (laughs) stories. Anyway, other people are gonna have roles too, so other people can be in it. SonicRav, Rickoss, Magma Dragon have all been in it as well as the Ninty Elite and PS2 Crew, so others may still make it anyway.

I'm also gonna do a mini spin off series to this when it's finished, but you'll have to wait and see what it is! I think it'll be quite amusing though!
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:34
Posts: 23,218
Kid Rock, Triple H, Spike, Longy, Pro Evo and SSXpro
we could only have 6 so when we are allowed more we can have resi.
me and Pro Evo had to think of names there and then.
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:28
Posts: 6,100
Resi is all ready a crew member
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:21
Posts: 23,218
i organised the whole story with sibs and told him who was in there.
when they get another nintendo elite we can get another crew member.
Asher D?
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:17
Posts: 6,100
Kool story but why is KR the leader? and wheres ResEvilFan
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:15
Posts: 23,218
SR under attack Part 3 : is this the last one?
Wed 26/12/01 at 21:04
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
===SONICRAV---> wrote:
> Cool story Sibs... can't wait for you to do something on gaming ;)

Happy new
> year;)


Gaming...? What is that?

Heh, I do enough on gaming replying to all (ok, some of) your topics!!!

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