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"The TRUE Spirit of Christmas?"

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Wed 26/12/01 at 16:08
Posts: 787
About a week ago, I had just left my house, and was just walking out the drive, when I was stopped by two men, with American accents. They asked if anyone else was in, but they weren't and asked if it was okay to call again tomorrow when someone would be home to talk about being a christian, and Christmas. I said they could call tomorrow, but I didn't think anyone who was home would be too taken as we are all pretty much atheists.

I must admit, I was also deeply offended by this. Being a Christian and Christmas? What ever made anyone link these two together? I mean, everyone knows that Christmas is a commercial holiday, designed to boost sales of consumer goods, and help keep the economy strong. Christmas time is especially important now, when people are talking of the worldwide economy slowing down, which could cause mass unemployment everywhere, and then cause the world to go into an economic spiral of decline. Infecting the ideal of Christams with religion of all things is wrong, especially in these troubled times.

I did some further research into this topic, and it seems a large number of Christian fanatics are spreading rumours that some 'saviour' has his birthday on Christmas. So what? Loads of people have their birthday on Christmas, we don't start saying they are the saviour of mankind do we?

Apparently this saviour was born about 2 millennia ago or something (conveniantly in the year zero! Yeah, this story gets more and more convincing by the minute doesn't it!) and a star just appeared over the point where he was born. Some kings supposedly brought this 'saviour' who had just been born some presents. At least they got the idea of Christmas! Some shepherds also came, guided by the star that conveniantly appeared over the stable where the 'saviour' was born. And born in a stable? Yes, this 'saviour' was apparently born in a stable, where a load of animals (and probably their feaces) were staying. Oh, but I suppose this 'saviour' used his magic powers to turn the feaces into Christmas Dinner, and thier urine into wine! Gah, this story is sickening propaganda, and is simply trying to get people to waste their Christmas going to church instead of opening their presents and eating far too much chocolate.

These fanatical Christians have even gone as far as re-writing the Bible to include this frankly absurd story! I mean, I thought Christians were supposed to be truthful and all that, but now they are just trying to increase the number of church goers (and therefore number of church donations!) by making up a fantasy tale of a 'saviour' being born at Christmas. So I ask you. Do not forget the TRUE spirit of Christmas. Commercialism, presents, and more annoying Christmas specials on TV than you can shake Mystiques Stik at!

Copyright, all rights reserved, Tongue in cheek productions.
Post based on real story*

*real story may have been embelished and/or over exaggerated to increase sales.
Fri 28/12/01 at 20:46
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
I just don't have a faith, except in my morals, and that somehow, sometime in this world good must eventually triumph.

You can take whatever meaning you want from Christmas, but I don't think you should just sit back and let it become a corporate liscense to make money from consumers. Celebrate something, whether it is helping others, family, your faith, or anything... just don't let it become a pointless exercise of corporate marketing.
Fri 28/12/01 at 16:15
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
After my worst living year since I can remember, family was most important to me this christmas, I celebrated that, the fact that I still had some family, but I released on the 26th in an anticlimax that was the last time I would see most members of my family together. That hurt. But I enjoyed it while it was there. For me. That was Christmas.
Fri 28/12/01 at 16:13
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Sibs wrote:
> No, but when people read stuff about a 'promised land' for them, they seem to
> think that the 'promised land' is only for people of their faith. If only they
> could get on and stop fighting their 'promised land' could be as good as it was
> said to be, instead of an excuse to fight.

True. I can't understand why people just don't talk about their religion?? Try and reason why you have your religion. And if it doesn't work, just leave them to it.

A close friend of mine is partly Christian because his family are, but he doesn't go to church or pray or anything. I've asked him to come to my Christian youth group, and he's said no many times. I'll keep asking, but he probably still won't come.

Doesn't mean I have to kill him, if you know what I mean.
Fri 28/12/01 at 14:14
Posts: 0
Well, Happy New Year Anyway!
Fri 28/12/01 at 11:12
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
No, but when people read stuff about a 'promised land' for them, they seem to think that the 'promised land' is only for people of their faith. If only they could get on and stop fighting their 'promised land' could be as good as it was said to be, instead of an excuse to fight.
Fri 28/12/01 at 11:05
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Sibs wrote:
> hmm... when were holy wars and religious crusades invented then?

When people started to misinterpret religion.

Did you know, that no religion at all actually somewhere in their holy book, tells people to go out and kill others.
Thu 27/12/01 at 17:22
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
hmm... when were holy wars and religious crusades invented then?
Thu 27/12/01 at 13:07
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Weeeeell, technically, if you go back far enough you will find that Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth, was moved back from the middle of January to December 25th, which is when the Winter Solstice was celebrated by pagen religions. The 'Yule' festival is a very important one in pre-christian Britian and the Christians recognised this and deliberately moved Christmas back to cover over the other festival in a bid to stamp out all other religions.

Of course, that's all in the past and luckily us Christians now get on with many other religions. Before all this Spanish Inquisition stuff, Christians and Wicca used to get on well, as well as with Celtic and Nordic religions, pity someone had to go and spoil it, but I guess you never expect the Spanish Inquisition...
Thu 27/12/01 at 12:54
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
True Christmas is all about celebrating teh birth of teh baby Jesus and getting more presents than everyone else.

No, wait, that doesn't look right...
Thu 27/12/01 at 12:09
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Unfortunately, what you've written is true.

Christmas has turned into a commercial holiday, which was probably the reason I actually enjoyed Church on Xmas Day. The only chance I really got to celebrate the true meaning.

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