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"Conkers Bad Fur Day - Review"

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Tue 25/12/01 at 17:35
Posts: 787
I wrote this last night will waiting to mug Santa Claus of all his Playstation 2's that kiddies have been asking for Christmas; he didn't come though - suprisingly.


GRAPHICS: Simply put, these graphics are the best graphics that will ever be produced on the N64. The only title that could have even competed, would have been Dinosaur Planet-but that's been moved to the GameCube leaving Conker as king. Think Banjo-Tooie, but with a smooth framerate, better real-time lighting (and more realistic shadows), smother character animation, and nice crisp textures. Add to all this the fact that the character's faces are now animated. They all have facial expressions that perfectly match their mood. Also, their mouths are perfectly lip-synched to the voice-overs. This game is definately a looker. Very Impressive

SOUND: The SFX are what you have come to expect from Rare--flawless. Everything happening onscreen is mirrored perfectly by the Dolby Surround Sound. There is however, a feature in this game that makes the SFX in all other games on the N64 pale in comparison. This game has full voice. Everything said to or by Conker is spoken. I'm not talking about the gibberish found in B-T, I'm talking full voice. Each of the characters has their own accents, their own personality that is conveyed wonderfully through their voice. I can't believe how much voice has been compressed onto this cart.

If you thought the SFX sound good, wait until you hear the music. It was composed by Robin Beanland of Jet Force Gemini fame. Jet Force Gemini was considered by many to have the best soundtrack on the N64. Let me tell you that Robin Beanland has once again set new benchmarks for music quality with BFD. It's very crisp, very clear, and also dynamic this time around. If you're getting chased by Zombies, the music turns into a frenetic burst of adrenaline laden goodness letting you know that your butt is about to get kicked good and hard. The compositions themselves are excellent and extremely varied. From the cheerful music of the Windy chapter, to the intense patriotic music of the War chapter, to the techno beat of the Heist chapter the music will amaze you. The melody and supporting parts blend together perfectly making you want to turn up the speakers and just listen. This game sounds better than any other I've played. Ever.

GAMEPLAY: The amount of detail that has gone into this game is amazing. If you leave Conker alone for several seconds without touching the controls he begins to do some rather entertaining actions as most characters nowdays do. The difference here is the sheer variety. Conker will Yo-Yo, use bug spray, check the time, hum, yawn, play gameboy, say things to the camera, LOOK AT PORN, etc. The interesting thing is the variety within the variety. He's got at least 4 different games that he plays on his gameboy (I'm pretty sure that at least one is BattleToads) and he'll say different things to camera like: "Nope still can't tell time..." or "Hello? Are you dead?" or "Stop doing're going to go blind!" (which I find bloomin' hilarious!!!) The attention to detail throughout the game is amazing.

The game controls a little differently than other Rare platformers. The camera is, overall, better than in 'Tooie, but still a bit difficult in a few key situations. The Control Stick is used for movement with the B button being attack, the A button being jump, and the Z button being crouch. Sound familiar? This is where it changes. The R button is used to look around from Conker's point of view. The Up-C button adjusts the camera's distance from Conker with the Left-C and Right-C being used for camera control. The Down-C button is used to bring the camera directly behind Conker. Later in the game when you get more advanced weaponry, the Z-button is used to activate the laser sighting and also for firing. When the R button is held, the C buttons can then be used for strafeing so that you can acurately target enemies(a la JFG).

Conker has a few different moves that change throughout the game, but his basic moves are as follows. Conker's basic attack is to swing an oversized frying pan when you press B. He can also use his big squirrel tail in a helicopter type fashion to cross large chasms. Across the levels can also be found "context sensitive B-pads" that will allow Conker to access needed items when he needs to. I'm really against giving too many spoilers in a review so that the game is as exciting for you as it was for me when I played it, so I'll use an example that's been around the internet for almost a year: At one point, Conker needs to exterminate some flaming demons so he goes over to a keg of beer and pushes B, allowing him to get drunk. He's then able to urinate all over the demons for a limited amount of time. When the buzz wears off, Conker is left with a hangover and can't walk straight. So he goes over to a medicine cabinet (while pausing to puke on his shoes...) and presses B again to drink some Alka-Seltzer which gets rid of his hangover making him good as new. There are countless examples of this type of puzzle, but to tell you them could compromise the story, so I won't.

The humor is extremely entertaining. Yes there is potty humor that sounds like you're on the playground in grade school again, but the funniest moments are caused by the use of irony and the lack of taking anything seriously (the game doesn't even take itself seriously as you'll find out several times through Conker's journey), as well as the context it's used in. While some of the jokes won't be nearly as funny the second time through the game, I believe that the majority of the jokes will still be funny no matter how many times you've played the game(within reason, of course. If you play the game 20 times in one month, you'll get sick of every joke...). I know that I'm going to begin playing through the game again this weekend.

A quick note about the parodies of several different movies in the game. I won't spoil any of them by giving away which movies are in the game. I will say, however, that all of the parodies are excellently done and very entertaining with a few actually moving beyond being great to being genuinely, impressive.

About the only problem I can find with the control is that Conker's shadow doesn't stay directly below him. If you're in a room with multiple light sources and have to jump from platform to platform, it's a bit hard to judge the distance/landing because Conker's shadow rarely remains underneath him. A minor issue, but it caused a few situations to be harder than necessary.

I've heard complaints that this game is too short. Granted, it takes less time than Banjo or Donkey Kong does, but that's because all of the collection of meaningless items has been removed. The worlds are still huge and full of things to do, but there is no pointless collecting. Besides, you'll be having so much fun and loving every minute of it that you won't feel disappointed when the game ends. (The ending by the way is FUNNY AS HELL! It will have you rolling on the floor with laughter!)

MULTIPLAYER: As if the single player weren't enough, Rare added a multiplayer option that is better than any other platformer's multiplayer. It even has computer controlled 'bots' that allow you to play any of the modes by yourself if you haven't got a buddy handy. I haven't played very much multiplayer yet because I spent most of my time in the single player adventure, but the hour or so I spent playing these games was extremely fun. There are several different modes. They are:

Beach- The Frenchies try to storm up the beach towards the Tediz stronghold while the Tediz try to prevent any Frenchies from reaching saftey beyond their bunkers.
Raptor- The cavemen try to steal the raptors' eggs while the raptors try to chew up the cavemen and feed them to their young.
War- The Squirrels and Tediz have occupied opposite halves of the same fortress and you have to battle for supremacy in two slightly different modes:
Total War- You try to set off a chemical warfare canister in the enemy's base. Keep in mind that if you haven't got a gas mask, then you're pretty much toast too.
Colors- Basically capture the flag. You get points for returning their flag to your base while protecting your own.
Heist- There is one bag of money in the middle of the arena and it's your job to steal it and return it to your base. However there are three other weasels in the arena with the same idea. Pretty intense action.
Tank- You get to battle each other while in tanks. If you get the lethal Chemical Canister from the center of the arena and return it to your base, all tanks that are outside will be vulnerable to the corrosive chemical that you release...causing them to die a horrible death.
Race- With only 2 tracks, this is rather limited, but still a bit of fun can be had. You race...what did you expect?
Deathmatch- What the name says. This is the mode I played the most, as I'm sure you all will too. The Bunker (not the same level as GE007) is the best arena for this as it is exclusive to the Deathmatch game and has several unique powerups that add to the carnage and fun.

LASTING APPEAL: As it always does, this depends almost entirely upon the gamer. Just like most adventure games, you won't be able to play through this game too often once you've beaten it the first three times or so, but with a multiplayer game that is quite varied, bloody, and intense...this game should keep you occupied for a while. It will certainly do it's part to get you through the software drought until either the GameBoy Advance or the GameCube arrives (whichever you're anticipating more!)

OVERALL: This game is brilliantly conceived and executed for an experience that, while somewhat familiar in parts, is so unique and interesting that everybody should rent it, at the very least. I'd recommend buying it because while it's not only one of the most impressive games on the N64, it's also funny as anything and the experience is more Rare(sorry) than a Nintendo release arriving on time. Quite frankly, the game is one of a kind and a must-have title for both Rare fans and adventure fans alike. I think Conker says it best in the opening boot-up scene: "Marvelous!"


I would of posted it in the review section of the game but I didn't think I could cut it down to a 4000 character limit.
Wed 26/12/01 at 12:17
Posts: 23,695
I thought this guy was my mate from my street as he creates stupid things like MonkeyFish and things liek that but he told me he hasn't joined SR .. yet so this could by Pob.
Wed 26/12/01 at 12:12
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
AfroJoe wrote:

MonkeyFish, I would advise you not to pick a fight with Mr Nice Guy over a copied review. He alsways catches you out ....... I remember only 3 days ago when Pob the Originatior was foiled. Congrats on that and what looks liek to becongrats on this. And even if it isn't copied you'll have a hard time proving it ain't after Mr Nice Guy showed us that site.

Thank you my son, if you go over to FOG Chat there is another post of his that is copied as well. I think this bloke is Pob and hopefully, he'll get banend. Again.
Wed 26/12/01 at 12:07
Posts: 23,695
MonkeyFish, I would advise you not to pick a fight with Mr Nice Guy over a copied review. He alsways catches you out ....... I remember only 3 days ago when Pob the Originatior was foiled. Congrats on that and what looks liek to be congrats on this. And even if it isn't copied you'll have a hard time proving it ain't after Mr Nice Guy showed us that site.
Wed 26/12/01 at 10:00
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
If you'd all like to go into his topic in the life forum and read a bit of that.

Then, please take a look at this.... different+drug+to+avoid+&btnG=Google+Search

Look out for the space after "uses+a+" then you will see there is something VERY familiar there. The fact that you can't get into the topic is a pain, but copy and paste nearly any of those phrases from 'his' topic and you shall see that it is clearly copied.

Hang on a moment!! Let me guess, you know the site?
Tue 25/12/01 at 20:47
Posts: 30
½pint wrote:
> I love a good fight. Round 1....


I don't think we have to result to such immature measures.

Fish face...........
Tue 25/12/01 at 20:44
Posts: 3,110
I love a good fight. Round 1....

Tue 25/12/01 at 20:39
Posts: 30
How can you say that you have proof for something that I did not copy. As for SR having proof, how can that be? If I did copy it you could at least say where I apparently did.
Tue 25/12/01 at 19:11
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
Your post in the Story thread though is copied and I have proof of that.....and so does SR. Hardy hardy ha ha. A JAT who knows all about Notables and being a JAT? I don't think so somehow, I think you're gonna get banned and I'll enjoy every last moment of it.
Tue 25/12/01 at 19:05
Posts: 0
Nice review, one thing is, the graphics, while great, are just a little to slow, i know its a poor ole N64 there, but still, it just seems to slow for me, and the puzzels are incredably annoying to work out, cos sometimes you do what your ment to do, but it doesnt work for some reason.

Its also quiet linear, with areas being small and you having to do what your ment to do before it'll progress, unlike BK or mario.
Tue 25/12/01 at 18:41
Posts: 30
You can't prove a thing that I copied this review from any other site. The only reason you have jumped to this uncalled for accusation is that I just arrived on monday. I urge you to withdraw your comment that I cheated s you have no evidence to stand upon. You think that just notables can write good long posts but think of this - they were 'just-arrived-today's' once you know. When I have notability status and you are just on Regular I will laugh from on high.

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