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"Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Review "

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Thu 21/07/11 at 23:15
"Arguably Arguable"
Posts: 90
This game was well designed for the first one it has its goods and its bads.Goods include,well the story line for one having to embark on a journey to rescue the sages from gol and maia.It was fun travelling through the levels activating the eco vents and listening to Daxters puns constantly.power cells are probably everybody worst nightmare when they see videos on youtube saying there are 101 power cells but actually its not as hard as you would think i have all 101 and all scout flys but it took me a good amount of time.A good part of the game is redirecting the eco beams at the forbidden jungle but thats just me.

Some of the bads are not having much health and it being quite hard to obtain and also this isnt really a bad thing but jaks clothes i mean whoa they are quite rubbish i suppose you could say but well it is the first game after all.Anyway some more bad parts and well hard parts hard parts for some people are all the zoomer parts like the lava tube and the fire canyon.I have heard that some people are also scared to go in the water on this game because of the huge lurker fish i used to be like that but i got used to it.Aswell mini bosses like klaww i think its name is and well the plant at forbidden jungle which isnt very hard unless you are an unexperienced player.The final battle with gol and maia has proven a challenging battle with the eco monsters and the bombs.Overall i think this game is very good for the first fun to play and the controls are simple and theres always something going on. hope you enjoyed my review
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Thu 21/07/11 at 23:15
"Arguably Arguable"
Posts: 90
This game was well designed for the first one it has its goods and its bads.Goods include,well the story line for one having to embark on a journey to rescue the sages from gol and maia.It was fun travelling through the levels activating the eco vents and listening to Daxters puns constantly.power cells are probably everybody worst nightmare when they see videos on youtube saying there are 101 power cells but actually its not as hard as you would think i have all 101 and all scout flys but it took me a good amount of time.A good part of the game is redirecting the eco beams at the forbidden jungle but thats just me.

Some of the bads are not having much health and it being quite hard to obtain and also this isnt really a bad thing but jaks clothes i mean whoa they are quite rubbish i suppose you could say but well it is the first game after all.Anyway some more bad parts and well hard parts hard parts for some people are all the zoomer parts like the lava tube and the fire canyon.I have heard that some people are also scared to go in the water on this game because of the huge lurker fish i used to be like that but i got used to it.Aswell mini bosses like klaww i think its name is and well the plant at forbidden jungle which isnt very hard unless you are an unexperienced player.The final battle with gol and maia has proven a challenging battle with the eco monsters and the bombs.Overall i think this game is very good for the first fun to play and the controls are simple and theres always something going on. hope you enjoyed my review

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