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"[iPod Game] Red Bull Kart Fighter"

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Tue 05/07/11 at 16:48
"How Ironic"
Posts: 4,312
It can be difficult to develop a game for the racing genre, as the idea for all racers is, in its basic form, exactly the same. Therefore, it requires you to find a unique selling point to make your racer stand out from the rest. Red Bull Kart Fighter, developed by Red Bull Media House GmbH, attempts to bring some variation into the field.

The first element of the game that struck me was the level design. Out of all the Apps I’ve played thus far for AppGamer, this game, hands down, claims the best level design of the lot. There are various famous landmarks and locations from around the world with a set track that you race through. I spent a lot of time racing through Buckingham Palace at top speed, something I’m sure the Queen wouldn’t be too impressed with if I attempted it in real life.

Each level has several items scattered around the perimeters of the track that are interactive, in that they can be knocked out of place into the middle of the track but they will slow your car down and cause an obstruction for the next lap. Each location also includes 3 different routes that can be raced on, so the longevity of the App has been somewhat extended.

Now to the gripes with the App. My main concern is without doubt the control system. The car you race as will follow a pre-determined racing line, with you controlling the speed of the car with a bar on the right side of your device. By tilting your device, you can begin to wander slightly from the racing line, but it’s through the corners where steering becomes important, as you control the skids around the corners.

By combining the control of your speed, and tilting the device at the right time, at the right extremity and for the right amount of time, you can get through the corner quickly. That is where my concern lies. Racing has been over complicated with the amount of concentration it takes to get through a corner. Whilst with most racers you simply drive around the track where ever you please, Red Bull Media House GmbH have tried to bring in a new system that is partly controlled by your device. It can make you feel helpless with the device controlling some aspect of the car, as you feel as though you don’t need to have any input on occasion.

The camera does take a bit of getting used to as well. You view the track and your car from a bird’s eye view, but you do not follow the direction which the car is facing. Take all of the afore mentioned difficulties with steering and add the somewhat stationary camera, and the controls become very difficult to learn. But, once you have become accustomed to how the game drives, I can guarantee you will enjoy the experience far more. It still makes you question whether it would be best to stick to the basics of free control racing, but you can’t knock Red Bull Media House GmbH for trying something new.

There is also a mode called Challenge Mode, which is this games multiplayer. It is one to play with your friends, as each person inputs their name, and then proceeds to set a 3-lap time. Each player does their 3 laps, and then passes the device on to the next player. A ghost car of the fastest player appears on the track so that players can see how far behind or ahead of winning they are. An option I would like to see if for everyone to have their go, and then watch a replay of everyone racing afterwards. It seems as though this would be more fun as a group.

To conclude, Red Bull Kart Fighter is a game that takes an hour or two to really get to grips with, quite literally! Don’t be put off by the initial difficulties, because once you have overcome them, the experience is enjoyable and starts to become heaps of fun. Nevertheless, I still don’t think the Queen of England will be too impressed with it.

Also posted by me on
Thu 07/07/11 at 10:36
"How Ironic"
Posts: 4,312
Well it can be criticised. At the end of the day, this is going to be sold to an everyday gamer. Whilst the controls are going to be simple for advanced gamers, the majority will find them to be hard to learn. For this reason alone, this is an issue (as I've pointed out in the review).

On the flip side, it can also be too easy to have the track already drawn out and ready for you to follow, with a feeling of not having to do anything at all.
Thu 07/07/11 at 08:24
Posts: 1
I personally would say that this game has got it exactly right. How many racing games our there look the same, play the same and last all of 20 minutes! What could be done though to separate it from the norm? The controls mimic that of Scaletrix, a fixed racing line with the skill of variable speed. I don't believe people can criticise a game that has longevity, creativity and beautifully polished visuals which RBKF has.
Tue 05/07/11 at 16:48
"How Ironic"
Posts: 4,312
It can be difficult to develop a game for the racing genre, as the idea for all racers is, in its basic form, exactly the same. Therefore, it requires you to find a unique selling point to make your racer stand out from the rest. Red Bull Kart Fighter, developed by Red Bull Media House GmbH, attempts to bring some variation into the field.

The first element of the game that struck me was the level design. Out of all the Apps I’ve played thus far for AppGamer, this game, hands down, claims the best level design of the lot. There are various famous landmarks and locations from around the world with a set track that you race through. I spent a lot of time racing through Buckingham Palace at top speed, something I’m sure the Queen wouldn’t be too impressed with if I attempted it in real life.

Each level has several items scattered around the perimeters of the track that are interactive, in that they can be knocked out of place into the middle of the track but they will slow your car down and cause an obstruction for the next lap. Each location also includes 3 different routes that can be raced on, so the longevity of the App has been somewhat extended.

Now to the gripes with the App. My main concern is without doubt the control system. The car you race as will follow a pre-determined racing line, with you controlling the speed of the car with a bar on the right side of your device. By tilting your device, you can begin to wander slightly from the racing line, but it’s through the corners where steering becomes important, as you control the skids around the corners.

By combining the control of your speed, and tilting the device at the right time, at the right extremity and for the right amount of time, you can get through the corner quickly. That is where my concern lies. Racing has been over complicated with the amount of concentration it takes to get through a corner. Whilst with most racers you simply drive around the track where ever you please, Red Bull Media House GmbH have tried to bring in a new system that is partly controlled by your device. It can make you feel helpless with the device controlling some aspect of the car, as you feel as though you don’t need to have any input on occasion.

The camera does take a bit of getting used to as well. You view the track and your car from a bird’s eye view, but you do not follow the direction which the car is facing. Take all of the afore mentioned difficulties with steering and add the somewhat stationary camera, and the controls become very difficult to learn. But, once you have become accustomed to how the game drives, I can guarantee you will enjoy the experience far more. It still makes you question whether it would be best to stick to the basics of free control racing, but you can’t knock Red Bull Media House GmbH for trying something new.

There is also a mode called Challenge Mode, which is this games multiplayer. It is one to play with your friends, as each person inputs their name, and then proceeds to set a 3-lap time. Each player does their 3 laps, and then passes the device on to the next player. A ghost car of the fastest player appears on the track so that players can see how far behind or ahead of winning they are. An option I would like to see if for everyone to have their go, and then watch a replay of everyone racing afterwards. It seems as though this would be more fun as a group.

To conclude, Red Bull Kart Fighter is a game that takes an hour or two to really get to grips with, quite literally! Don’t be put off by the initial difficulties, because once you have overcome them, the experience is enjoyable and starts to become heaps of fun. Nevertheless, I still don’t think the Queen of England will be too impressed with it.

Also posted by me on

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