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"[iPod Game] Two Worlds II: Castle Defence"

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Thu 30/06/11 at 12:41
"How Ironic"
Posts: 4,312
We’re all familiar with the Castle Defence/Tower Defence genre, and I’m not surprised to see an established game like Two Worlds exploit the opportunity to cash-in on it. This genre of game is very easy to replicate, with the only changes essentially being the characters skins and locations. The concept throughout each and every version out there is exactly the same. We’ve seen it so many times, that this game can become rather tedious to play because of the familiarity.

Regardless of this, the game itself is not actually too bad, although it feels rather neglected in the sense that not too much thought has gone into it. The game, as you can imagine, involves placing fighters in various formations across a landscape. The aim is to protect the main character from the hordes of enemies that are unleashed upon the landscape each round. By placing your fighters tactically, you are able to destroy the enemy, and prevent them from attacking the main character.

Your units include warriors, archers, priests and necromancers whose roles involve melee combat, ranged combat, healing and magic combat. Each of these mighty men cost money, which is deducted from your coin total. Units can be upgraded in various ways, for example, an increase in damage or range. Your troops can also be healed, again with money being deducted from your total for each of these effects.

You also have an opportunity to act as a sort of god-like figure by being able to select enemies and strike them down with various powers. Using these powers also costs money. You have to be careful not to use this option frequently or else you’ll run out of funds to purchase units.

This is a graphically solid game, with the animations being very enjoyable and smooth, although a bit of variation in the way characters strike, particularly for melee combat, would have been appreciated. I also thus far haven’t noticed the ability to block in either your own units or in the enemy units. Each attack does some sort of damage, albeit a small amount.

I was happy to see a slight variation on tower defence games, with the troops having the ability to move from their allocated position to engage the enemy. It is only a small feature, but it feels as though you are fighting in a genuine battle, when with other version, characters would just stay rooted to the spot the player places them.

You will find this game enjoyable if you are a fan of Two Worlds or you have never played this type of genre. If you have played tower defence games before, you may be disappointed to see another version hit the App Store. However, if you’re going to buy a tower defence game, I would probably put this forward for consideration, although the price tag is too steep for what the game is. Don't take my word for it though, try the Lite version from the App Store!

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Thu 30/06/11 at 12:41
"How Ironic"
Posts: 4,312
We’re all familiar with the Castle Defence/Tower Defence genre, and I’m not surprised to see an established game like Two Worlds exploit the opportunity to cash-in on it. This genre of game is very easy to replicate, with the only changes essentially being the characters skins and locations. The concept throughout each and every version out there is exactly the same. We’ve seen it so many times, that this game can become rather tedious to play because of the familiarity.

Regardless of this, the game itself is not actually too bad, although it feels rather neglected in the sense that not too much thought has gone into it. The game, as you can imagine, involves placing fighters in various formations across a landscape. The aim is to protect the main character from the hordes of enemies that are unleashed upon the landscape each round. By placing your fighters tactically, you are able to destroy the enemy, and prevent them from attacking the main character.

Your units include warriors, archers, priests and necromancers whose roles involve melee combat, ranged combat, healing and magic combat. Each of these mighty men cost money, which is deducted from your coin total. Units can be upgraded in various ways, for example, an increase in damage or range. Your troops can also be healed, again with money being deducted from your total for each of these effects.

You also have an opportunity to act as a sort of god-like figure by being able to select enemies and strike them down with various powers. Using these powers also costs money. You have to be careful not to use this option frequently or else you’ll run out of funds to purchase units.

This is a graphically solid game, with the animations being very enjoyable and smooth, although a bit of variation in the way characters strike, particularly for melee combat, would have been appreciated. I also thus far haven’t noticed the ability to block in either your own units or in the enemy units. Each attack does some sort of damage, albeit a small amount.

I was happy to see a slight variation on tower defence games, with the troops having the ability to move from their allocated position to engage the enemy. It is only a small feature, but it feels as though you are fighting in a genuine battle, when with other version, characters would just stay rooted to the spot the player places them.

You will find this game enjoyable if you are a fan of Two Worlds or you have never played this type of genre. If you have played tower defence games before, you may be disappointed to see another version hit the App Store. However, if you’re going to buy a tower defence game, I would probably put this forward for consideration, although the price tag is too steep for what the game is. Don't take my word for it though, try the Lite version from the App Store!

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