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There are more cards to utilise as you progress through the game and this time they're all upgradeable bringing the grand total to well over 500 this adds important replay value as well as variety and depth, cards are split into 4 categories: Movement, Weapon, Character and Recovery, you can put as many or few of each type as you like into your deck to suit your needs and playing style.
Gameplay is largely the same as the original but everything's been given a bit of spit and polish, unfortunately successfully completing missions still sometimes depends on luck rather than skill or sound tactics which can get really frustrating if you're doing everything right.
Storywise it's pretty weak, you play as yet another clone of Snake who gets forced into doing the FBI's and later the military's dirty work (Five stars for origianlity Konami!) only for things to go pear shaped at every possible turn, it gets boring at an alarming rate and you'll lose interest fast unless you're a hardcore fan.
It does redeem itself slightly because it has a boss mode, where you can battle familiar faces from previous games like Ocelot and The Boss, it also has a two player ad hod multiplayer mode where you can either defeat your opponent the old fashioned way or collect objects to end the game early, they're both nice touches but it feels like they've just been hastily bolted on at the last minute.
Despite it's many flaws it still remains a fun game to play, back when it was first released in 2009 there was too much wrong with it to warrant a full price purchase but now you can get it dirt cheap if you manage to find a copy and if you can look past it's failings it'll last you an age.
There are more cards to utilise as you progress through the game and this time they're all upgradeable bringing the grand total to well over 500 this adds important replay value as well as variety and depth, cards are split into 4 categories: Movement, Weapon, Character and Recovery, you can put as many or few of each type as you like into your deck to suit your needs and playing style.
Gameplay is largely the same as the original but everything's been given a bit of spit and polish, unfortunately successfully completing missions still sometimes depends on luck rather than skill or sound tactics which can get really frustrating if you're doing everything right.
Storywise it's pretty weak, you play as yet another clone of Snake who gets forced into doing the FBI's and later the military's dirty work (Five stars for origianlity Konami!) only for things to go pear shaped at every possible turn, it gets boring at an alarming rate and you'll lose interest fast unless you're a hardcore fan.
It does redeem itself slightly because it has a boss mode, where you can battle familiar faces from previous games like Ocelot and The Boss, it also has a two player ad hod multiplayer mode where you can either defeat your opponent the old fashioned way or collect objects to end the game early, they're both nice touches but it feels like they've just been hastily bolted on at the last minute.
Despite it's many flaws it still remains a fun game to play, back when it was first released in 2009 there was too much wrong with it to warrant a full price purchase but now you can get it dirt cheap if you manage to find a copy and if you can look past it's failings it'll last you an age.