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You play as a vehicle stuntman for six different movies ranging from low-budget films to blockbuster movies that are all (or at least most of them are) based on real life films such as the James Bond movies and The Dukes Of Hazzard. The best parts of the game for me are the diverse line of vehicles including police cars, tuk tuks, a tow truck, a city bus and even a monster truck, and the Stunt Constructor mode. If their was no Stunt Constructor mode, then the large, diverse line of vehicles would probably mean nothing. There are also driving games that test your speed, handling and stunt capabilities that I am not a real big fan of. You are able to race the vehicles you unlocked in Stunt Constructor mode (which by the way is a mode that let's you design your own stunt arenas with a selection of availible and unlockable ramps, smashable objects and special objects. I haven't unlocked all the vehicles yet (I have like four more to go) but I think I can say that the Tow Truck is the weakest vehicle in the game. If I set the ramp and the smashables up right, sometimes all it takes is one crash to wreck it. Everything will come off: the front wheels, the doors, the engine (which is an automatic wreck). The strongest is probably the armored vehicle from The Scarab Of Lost Souls movie.
Graphics, I give a clean 8/10. They started out a little choppy but I think I could see them noticeably getting better as I went along in the game. As far as external damage goes, I don't think you'll be disappointed. For the year it was made, I'm very impressed.
I think you are only able to remove the front wheels in a crash.
Would I recommend this game?
A very large and diverse selection of vehicles, more than reasonable graphics and a fun plotline in my book. If you are fans of racing and driving games than I would most likely recommend it.
You play as a vehicle stuntman for six different movies ranging from low-budget films to blockbuster movies that are all (or at least most of them are) based on real life films such as the James Bond movies and The Dukes Of Hazzard. The best parts of the game for me are the diverse line of vehicles including police cars, tuk tuks, a tow truck, a city bus and even a monster truck, and the Stunt Constructor mode. If their was no Stunt Constructor mode, then the large, diverse line of vehicles would probably mean nothing. There are also driving games that test your speed, handling and stunt capabilities that I am not a real big fan of. You are able to race the vehicles you unlocked in Stunt Constructor mode (which by the way is a mode that let's you design your own stunt arenas with a selection of availible and unlockable ramps, smashable objects and special objects. I haven't unlocked all the vehicles yet (I have like four more to go) but I think I can say that the Tow Truck is the weakest vehicle in the game. If I set the ramp and the smashables up right, sometimes all it takes is one crash to wreck it. Everything will come off: the front wheels, the doors, the engine (which is an automatic wreck). The strongest is probably the armored vehicle from The Scarab Of Lost Souls movie.
Graphics, I give a clean 8/10. They started out a little choppy but I think I could see them noticeably getting better as I went along in the game. As far as external damage goes, I don't think you'll be disappointed. For the year it was made, I'm very impressed.
I think you are only able to remove the front wheels in a crash.
Would I recommend this game?
A very large and diverse selection of vehicles, more than reasonable graphics and a fun plotline in my book. If you are fans of racing and driving games than I would most likely recommend it.