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"007 Agent under Fire Review"

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This thread has been linked to the game '007 Agent Under Fire'.
Sat 27/11/10 at 18:27
Posts: 0
Agent Uder Fire is an action packed adventure through 12 jaw- opening missions starring the one and only James Bond. The game has all the gadgets and weapons you could ask for including the Q Laser, Q Claw and Q Jet! You also encounter with Bond girls, they are both helpful and lethal. The thrilling action of multiplayer that can hold up to 4 players is also a genius idea...
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Sat 27/11/10 at 18:27
Posts: 0
Agent Uder Fire is an action packed adventure through 12 jaw- opening missions starring the one and only James Bond. The game has all the gadgets and weapons you could ask for including the Q Laser, Q Claw and Q Jet! You also encounter with Bond girls, they are both helpful and lethal. The thrilling action of multiplayer that can hold up to 4 players is also a genius idea...

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