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Tue 01/04/03 at 14:01
Posts: 787
...Today is like any other day but with one difference, I can't be bothered. Normally I can't be bothered but I really can't be bothered today. I'm in a completely lethargic mood where even if the Playboy Playmate of the Year ran naked in front of me, I'd just probably look up to acknowledge her then look back down at my desk at the work before me and think, I can't be bothered.

I'm in a mood right now where I wish I could just revolt against everything with no consequences, which would potentially to a certain extent would be the case if I had won the lottery at the weekend. I think right now I would just drive home and watch a few films back to back. Something ridiculously funny like Dumb & Dumber or Spaceballs. Now I would then obviously expect to be called up to my managers desk tomorrow for 'bunking off' as it were, but whilst I would be sat facing him behind his desk, I think I'd have the cheek to put my feet up on the desk while he ranted and raved about my behaviour today and yesterday. As I just wouldn't care about doing a 'good job' and kissing the buttocks of someone who earns 8 times as much as me for doing 8 times as less work as me, I'd just let him shout at the top of his voice whilst going redder in the face than a bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup.

Once I had decided I was finished at his desk, and not when he thought it was time to go, I think I'd probably just go and play games on my PC, until he came over to ask me what I was doing, before I'd tell him "Can you go away, I'm busy". It'd also be great that everytime someone asks you for help you can just say "D'you know what, I can't be bothered". And then everytime someone says to you, I read over this presentation and it's missing so and so, can you add it on, you can just say "Well instead of standing over me like an ignorant imbecile, why don't you go over to your desk, sit on your big fat behind, grab hold of your PC Mouse and do it your flaming self".

I think this attitude would have to be kept outside of work also as people that are just blatantly rude are starting to bug me. Whenever I'm going around the isles of Tescos, I'll let someone pass a tight gap with their trolley before I try to go through the gap with mine. What would you expect from that situation...a "thank you"...not flipping likely!! Therefore when people pass me where I would have said thank you, I turn around to then and say at an audible level, in blatant sarcasm "no no, THANK YOU". This normally prompts a response of "oh sorry thanks" or just a complete blanking that I've said anything.

Another thing about shopping is why in the hell do people leave their trolleys in the middle of an isle to then go and look at something at the edge of an isle, take the blooming thing with you. Everytime this happens I just ram my trolley into theirs to get the flipping thing out of the way. Oh and I'm also fed up of snooty middle aged women looking down their noses at you as if to say, shopping for mummy and daddy or you're too young to be food yet I've not thought of anything to do to these arrogant upper class wannabes.

I think I'd also flip or am on the point of flipping whenever I go into a shop to by something and the sales staff are unbelievebly unhelpful and don't give a monkeys if you buy something or not. To them I fell like saying "If you don't want to bloody work here, don't! Ya miserable cow". And then all you hear then whinge about is "I've not had a break all morning"....moan moan moan moan. Some people in this world haven't eaten for days you selfish brat. Get a grip. I'm sure you fat face won't miss one meal. I'm here to buy something, not to listen to how you want your lunch break to have a pie eating contest. What I've also ound myself doing is that if I'm in a queue and someone walks infront of me thinking that I'm not in the queue, I'll just wave my arm at waist height and go "hughhh" most times as people then say sorry and go behind you!

Another thing that annoys me whislt shopping is groups of lads that walk in groups of 7 or so thinking they're really hard, and won't get out of the way for anyone. And they're all 14 years old or something, with the odd one smoking a cigarette, swearing, spitting on the floor etc. How I'd love to batter all of them at once just to show them they're not hard, they're the crap of society that people don't want to bump into on their shopping trips and that should they want to act like total idiots they'll be battered.

How many times have you been cut up on the road? If you're like me, It's a couple of times a day. Well I'd love to have enough money so that whenever someone cuts me up I can drive towards their car and just smack it from behind or ram it from the side. I'd be quite happy to pay for any damage as I could afford it, but that should teach the **** not to do it again. If this became too tiresome, then why don't I get a set of rockets attached to my car. How cool would it be to watch some one cut you up before you launch a rocket at their car, blowing it into several peices...obviously not killing the driver, just writing off their motor.

What's also bugging me at the moment is anti war protesters. Moaning that there is innocent civilian lives being lost, which whilst there is, it's still less people than what would have died if Saddam and his regime was still in power. It's estimated that Saddam has killed 1million people in his 20 years in power, thats over 136 people a day! So what we're 13 days in and about 100-200 people have died so far? Well that means that over 1500 people that would have died due to Saddam regime have been saved. "But women and children are being killed" you moan. Firstly women moan that they are treated as second class citizens to men, therefore we are not discriminating! And secondly, do you honestly think Saddam doesn't kill women and children, you ignorant idiot. And there you go with your banners in the street, causing riots, using up police force power that could be put to better use, canting stop the war. Don't be such a thicket! If you can think of another way to stop Saddam why not put that forward. Don't you think that if there was a better solution they'd be doing it? No you think it's about the UK and America wanting oil. As of course we would want to invade a country for oil when we export the stuff ourselves anyway. And the USA would waste millions on weapons rather than go to Venezuela to sort out the political problem there which would need no war. So if I were to see an anti war protester, they'd better have a darn good reason for protesting, rather than "It means we miss a lesson at school" as lets face it, most of them are students or hippies who are still moaning about poll tax, otherwise I think I'll just grab their protesting board and proceed to batter them with it.

Therefore if you're a middle aged woman, anti-war protester, whos not employeed as you're a full time student, and you're on your way to Tescos, cutting me up in the'd just better hope, I've not won the lottery as I'm in a real 'Falling Down/Office Space' kind of mood!
Tue 01/04/03 at 16:25
Posts: 3,307
Mr Lover Man wrote:

> Prime example is on Shawshank Redemption. That guy kept bum raping (is
> the only way to put it) the main character, and when the guards found
> out he was beaten to a vegetable. Stopped him doing it again though
> didn't it!

Very true, in some cases violence is benificial, now i'm not saying that necessarily everyone should the nearest person in the face that they don't like the look of but in some situations reasoned force and an emphasized tone of voice or either one or the other can sometimes get through to people about their misconceptions, plain ignorance or just blind incompetance because lets face it if some people just don't wake up and face reality then their just gonna spend the rest of their lives being a constantly annoying person if you know what i mean and the cycle just go's on and on and on and it can be very frustrating at times, but i guess in a way thats the irony of the overused phrase "thats life!".

slik ~_~
Tue 01/04/03 at 16:12
"Big Pimpin'"
Posts: 664
$lik wrote:
> many a time I have felt like tw@ting them in the
> face

$ilk my have hit the nail on the head. People that I have discussed just need a good thumping. Look at the judicial system...muggers etc are getting ok but going to personal development courses, when really they should be beaten senseless to stop them doing it again. Now someone is going to say violence breeds violence, to which i say b*ll*x. People are able to think for themselves. They do know whats right and whats wrong, it just needs beating into some people.

Prime example is on Shawshank Redemption. That guy kept bum raping (is the only way to put it) the main character, and when the guards found out he was beaten to a vegetable. Stopped him doing it again though didn't it!
Tue 01/04/03 at 15:58
Posts: 3,307
Mr Lover Man wrote:

> People are just really beginning to annoy me with their pettyness and
> selfishness. They should just stop for one second, let their puney
> brain actually work for once and think about things and their
> behaviour etc

To true, I often look at these people in the street/on TV etc and just think "why?" or "Whats the point in that?" and not just protesters, there are examples of such imbicles in everyday life such as the ones that have been aforementioned in your original post, People just don't think about the consequences of their actions and they just blunder past various situations in everyday life without even attempting to engage what little grey matter they have (if any) and the world will allways be full of people like this and unfortunatley we just have to live with them, as painfull as that might be, many a time have i walked past people in the street who are just plain ignorant and will have a go at you just for so much as looking at them and many a time I have felt like tw@ting them in the face even if it meant that i'd probably come off worse, but what you gonna do eh? too much ignorance and not enough open mindedness in the world thats the bottom line, and it sucks.

slik -_-
Tue 01/04/03 at 15:48
"Z will be here soon"
Posts: 7,562
People feel the need to rise up and revolt against something, but dont know what. They are anrgy at their menial little lives and automated existance and require a chance to stand up and be heard. A protest, against what it doesnt matter, is a perfect opportunity for them to do so and consequently they flock in their thousands to stand and wave signs.

The few people who have a serious political message are crowded by the people with no real direction or goal and it must be demorilising the soliders who (through choice or not) are fighting in Iraq for their country and through loyalty to their government. People are dead now, British people, at the hands of Iraqi's. But still the people feel the need to protest. They want a maniac who kills his own people to be allowed to recklessly endanger lives once again and force a country to live in his shadow under a reign of terror. Yes innocent people will be killed, but millions more will be liberated and will live happy and peaceful lives. It isnt too long ago since September 11th. Perhaps it wasnt a lot to do with Britain but it saw a lot of innocent people lose their lives, if the same has to be done to iraq to bring peace then so be it.

I have seen the T-shirts and badges that state "Not in my name" - well when will they bring out a badge I can wear with pride that clearly and plainly says, "In my name" ?
Tue 01/04/03 at 14:28
"Big Pimpin'"
Posts: 664
§n][peŽ wrote:
> I feel sick about the protestors how is it boosting the morale of the
> soldiers in the gulf?

It's just a couple of stupid individuals. And that is what they are Individuals...none of this "yeah but 100,000 people turned out to protest, a majority of the country doesn't want war". Since when has 100,000 people been a majority? What about the rest of the 60million people in this ones has asked me!

People are just really beginning to annoy me with their pettyness and selfishness. They should just stop for one second, let their puney brain actually work for once and think about things and their behaviour etc
Tue 01/04/03 at 14:14
Posts: 16,558
I feel sick about the protestors how is it boosting the morale of the soldiers in the gulf?
And people here i maybe still going out friday night celebrating for what?
I'm not saying they can't live normally but what if u was iraq... and what if u had to go to fight for your country
Tue 01/04/03 at 14:08
Posts: 3,522
"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...."

You should do it, Falling Down that is.
So you'll end up dead, shot by a meddling cop, but you'll get to kill a neo-Nazi and baseball bat some 'asking-for-it' punks along the way.
Tue 01/04/03 at 14:01
"Big Pimpin'"
Posts: 664
...Today is like any other day but with one difference, I can't be bothered. Normally I can't be bothered but I really can't be bothered today. I'm in a completely lethargic mood where even if the Playboy Playmate of the Year ran naked in front of me, I'd just probably look up to acknowledge her then look back down at my desk at the work before me and think, I can't be bothered.

I'm in a mood right now where I wish I could just revolt against everything with no consequences, which would potentially to a certain extent would be the case if I had won the lottery at the weekend. I think right now I would just drive home and watch a few films back to back. Something ridiculously funny like Dumb & Dumber or Spaceballs. Now I would then obviously expect to be called up to my managers desk tomorrow for 'bunking off' as it were, but whilst I would be sat facing him behind his desk, I think I'd have the cheek to put my feet up on the desk while he ranted and raved about my behaviour today and yesterday. As I just wouldn't care about doing a 'good job' and kissing the buttocks of someone who earns 8 times as much as me for doing 8 times as less work as me, I'd just let him shout at the top of his voice whilst going redder in the face than a bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup.

Once I had decided I was finished at his desk, and not when he thought it was time to go, I think I'd probably just go and play games on my PC, until he came over to ask me what I was doing, before I'd tell him "Can you go away, I'm busy". It'd also be great that everytime someone asks you for help you can just say "D'you know what, I can't be bothered". And then everytime someone says to you, I read over this presentation and it's missing so and so, can you add it on, you can just say "Well instead of standing over me like an ignorant imbecile, why don't you go over to your desk, sit on your big fat behind, grab hold of your PC Mouse and do it your flaming self".

I think this attitude would have to be kept outside of work also as people that are just blatantly rude are starting to bug me. Whenever I'm going around the isles of Tescos, I'll let someone pass a tight gap with their trolley before I try to go through the gap with mine. What would you expect from that situation...a "thank you"...not flipping likely!! Therefore when people pass me where I would have said thank you, I turn around to then and say at an audible level, in blatant sarcasm "no no, THANK YOU". This normally prompts a response of "oh sorry thanks" or just a complete blanking that I've said anything.

Another thing about shopping is why in the hell do people leave their trolleys in the middle of an isle to then go and look at something at the edge of an isle, take the blooming thing with you. Everytime this happens I just ram my trolley into theirs to get the flipping thing out of the way. Oh and I'm also fed up of snooty middle aged women looking down their noses at you as if to say, shopping for mummy and daddy or you're too young to be food yet I've not thought of anything to do to these arrogant upper class wannabes.

I think I'd also flip or am on the point of flipping whenever I go into a shop to by something and the sales staff are unbelievebly unhelpful and don't give a monkeys if you buy something or not. To them I fell like saying "If you don't want to bloody work here, don't! Ya miserable cow". And then all you hear then whinge about is "I've not had a break all morning"....moan moan moan moan. Some people in this world haven't eaten for days you selfish brat. Get a grip. I'm sure you fat face won't miss one meal. I'm here to buy something, not to listen to how you want your lunch break to have a pie eating contest. What I've also ound myself doing is that if I'm in a queue and someone walks infront of me thinking that I'm not in the queue, I'll just wave my arm at waist height and go "hughhh" most times as people then say sorry and go behind you!

Another thing that annoys me whislt shopping is groups of lads that walk in groups of 7 or so thinking they're really hard, and won't get out of the way for anyone. And they're all 14 years old or something, with the odd one smoking a cigarette, swearing, spitting on the floor etc. How I'd love to batter all of them at once just to show them they're not hard, they're the crap of society that people don't want to bump into on their shopping trips and that should they want to act like total idiots they'll be battered.

How many times have you been cut up on the road? If you're like me, It's a couple of times a day. Well I'd love to have enough money so that whenever someone cuts me up I can drive towards their car and just smack it from behind or ram it from the side. I'd be quite happy to pay for any damage as I could afford it, but that should teach the **** not to do it again. If this became too tiresome, then why don't I get a set of rockets attached to my car. How cool would it be to watch some one cut you up before you launch a rocket at their car, blowing it into several peices...obviously not killing the driver, just writing off their motor.

What's also bugging me at the moment is anti war protesters. Moaning that there is innocent civilian lives being lost, which whilst there is, it's still less people than what would have died if Saddam and his regime was still in power. It's estimated that Saddam has killed 1million people in his 20 years in power, thats over 136 people a day! So what we're 13 days in and about 100-200 people have died so far? Well that means that over 1500 people that would have died due to Saddam regime have been saved. "But women and children are being killed" you moan. Firstly women moan that they are treated as second class citizens to men, therefore we are not discriminating! And secondly, do you honestly think Saddam doesn't kill women and children, you ignorant idiot. And there you go with your banners in the street, causing riots, using up police force power that could be put to better use, canting stop the war. Don't be such a thicket! If you can think of another way to stop Saddam why not put that forward. Don't you think that if there was a better solution they'd be doing it? No you think it's about the UK and America wanting oil. As of course we would want to invade a country for oil when we export the stuff ourselves anyway. And the USA would waste millions on weapons rather than go to Venezuela to sort out the political problem there which would need no war. So if I were to see an anti war protester, they'd better have a darn good reason for protesting, rather than "It means we miss a lesson at school" as lets face it, most of them are students or hippies who are still moaning about poll tax, otherwise I think I'll just grab their protesting board and proceed to batter them with it.

Therefore if you're a middle aged woman, anti-war protester, whos not employeed as you're a full time student, and you're on your way to Tescos, cutting me up in the'd just better hope, I've not won the lottery as I'm in a real 'Falling Down/Office Space' kind of mood!

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