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"Why is there a lack of THPS3 threads?"

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Sat 01/12/01 at 01:54
Posts: 787
What are you PS2 owners playing at?

On the release day of GTA3, we were wading through topics on that game.
Now we have THPS3 at our disposal and what? Not a damn thing!

Well screw that for a convention. Time to rave!

THPS3, its the best game I ever did play! Yes there are clear similarities between this and the last one, they're called the THPS2 "Good bits", its wise to leave those in when creating a sequel, it gives we the gamer less ammunition when attacking the latest game in the series.
There are also a whole world of THPS3 exclusive goodies! All new levels, very interesting and innovative level goals, a whole new stat building system and a frame rate that puts real life to shame!

I've been playing it all day (else I might've ranted sooner), I haven't slept in 48 hours and was really looking forward to a good ol' kip when I got back from work this morning. However, my evil postie decided to deliver me this game today and there went my sleeping pattern!

I wish I was awake enough to adequately express just how excellent this game rally is. Ahh, the way it moves. Its incredible. The skaters look proper! You can easily tell what trick they do just by looking at it (providing you know anything about skating anyway)....

AAGGHHHH Incoherent head gets the better of me!

ERM..... Buy the game, its real good! If you like the series then you'll love this! Its just like the step up from 1 to 2 in terms of playability. You get the fresh feeling of new things to learn, new tricks to put to use and the damn "revert" thingy to get the hang of, just like we struggled with the "manual" in 2!

Except now there is more of it!

The levels are huge! Hyper interactive and look gorgeouse!
You can see for miles in all directions, its beautiful *sob*.
Anyone who calls this a "mere update" will answer to me!

Fair enough, I complained when people said that about GT3, then I could kind of see were people were coming from (I still didn't agree, but I could see that fans of the genre might have wanted bigger developments other than graphical)

THPS3 has got it all. Graphics far far sweeter, gameplay far smoother, tricks a plenty! slams a plenty, levels amazingly well designed and not any kind of "hmm- this levels a bit like that one on THPS2" type thoughts will enter your mind.

If you don't like the genre, then fair do's, but don't start trying to call this anything less than it is, 'cause buddy, you just don't know!

*Tired Tarrant signs off and tries toresist thrall of THPS3 and make it to bed.

Wish the lad luck, he's going to need it*
Sun 02/12/01 at 11:04
Posts: 4,910
I'm stuck on the airport level at the moment, has anyone done this?, if so how do you do the thing of the escualtor? and where do you perform the move?, the flags are hard to get as well, i'll keep trying!
Sat 01/12/01 at 21:17
"  "
Posts: 7,549
i've posted a review on this game
Sat 01/12/01 at 19:50
Posts: 5,029
Pro Evo
I think what you said was right though, and it worked. Compared to other good games that people were looking forward too, thps3 has so far recieved a lot less pointless topics.

Any topics that are posted are worth something (such as this one) and we get less of 'Hey! I just did an ollie!'
Sat 01/12/01 at 19:45
"360: swfcman"
Posts: 6,953
TomUk wrote:
> I think the reason why there is a lack of THPS3 topics is because Pro Evo
> shouted at us all for posting cr@p!!

You will find actually i asked for spam to be cut down, but instead i was actually shouted at in return, so to be honest, now i dont give a crap what is posted, ill keep posting how i usually do and everyone else can do what they like.

And i dont think i own the forums, i just wanted to do something good for them.
Sat 01/12/01 at 19:38
Posts: 5,029
I still think Tony Hawks 3 is a brilliant game, but you have to agree that they could have changed more. They have kept the idea of collecting the 'skate' letters, and getting high, pro and sick scores. Also the two player mode is very similar, with horse etc. They have added more and I appreciate that. I just feel that I am going to finish this game too quickly.

I suppose, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Sat 01/12/01 at 18:05
Posts: 0
What so Pro Evo has ultimate control over this forum does he?

I think not, his is not an authority I will respect, I don't imagine he'd demand I would actually.

Of course the controls are similar! Why would you change them? Instead, they've added things, like - more tricks! The "revert", and hidden triple kick flips and such!

Its easy to get to grips with, but I've not mastered the revert yet, there's still plenty to do.
Sat 01/12/01 at 17:32
Posts: 5,029
I think the reason why there is a lack of THPS3 topics is because Pro Evo shouted at us all for posting cr@p!!

I find one problem with this game. I'm used to playing thps2 and I'm finding this game too easy as there are no changes in the controls. Other than that, this is the best damn game ever. (Until another good game comes out and I like that one even better!)
Sat 01/12/01 at 14:11
"Jim Jam Jim"
Posts: 5,626
Getting the game for christmas. I could of got it now but I was only going to buy 1 game before christmas so, I bought Silent Hill 2, just incase they only had limited stock of the limited edition pack.
Sat 01/12/01 at 01:54
Posts: 0
What are you PS2 owners playing at?

On the release day of GTA3, we were wading through topics on that game.
Now we have THPS3 at our disposal and what? Not a damn thing!

Well screw that for a convention. Time to rave!

THPS3, its the best game I ever did play! Yes there are clear similarities between this and the last one, they're called the THPS2 "Good bits", its wise to leave those in when creating a sequel, it gives we the gamer less ammunition when attacking the latest game in the series.
There are also a whole world of THPS3 exclusive goodies! All new levels, very interesting and innovative level goals, a whole new stat building system and a frame rate that puts real life to shame!

I've been playing it all day (else I might've ranted sooner), I haven't slept in 48 hours and was really looking forward to a good ol' kip when I got back from work this morning. However, my evil postie decided to deliver me this game today and there went my sleeping pattern!

I wish I was awake enough to adequately express just how excellent this game rally is. Ahh, the way it moves. Its incredible. The skaters look proper! You can easily tell what trick they do just by looking at it (providing you know anything about skating anyway)....

AAGGHHHH Incoherent head gets the better of me!

ERM..... Buy the game, its real good! If you like the series then you'll love this! Its just like the step up from 1 to 2 in terms of playability. You get the fresh feeling of new things to learn, new tricks to put to use and the damn "revert" thingy to get the hang of, just like we struggled with the "manual" in 2!

Except now there is more of it!

The levels are huge! Hyper interactive and look gorgeouse!
You can see for miles in all directions, its beautiful *sob*.
Anyone who calls this a "mere update" will answer to me!

Fair enough, I complained when people said that about GT3, then I could kind of see were people were coming from (I still didn't agree, but I could see that fans of the genre might have wanted bigger developments other than graphical)

THPS3 has got it all. Graphics far far sweeter, gameplay far smoother, tricks a plenty! slams a plenty, levels amazingly well designed and not any kind of "hmm- this levels a bit like that one on THPS2" type thoughts will enter your mind.

If you don't like the genre, then fair do's, but don't start trying to call this anything less than it is, 'cause buddy, you just don't know!

*Tired Tarrant signs off and tries toresist thrall of THPS3 and make it to bed.

Wish the lad luck, he's going to need it*

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