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"[N64 GAME] Conkers Bad Fur Day"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Conker's Bad Fur Day'.
Fri 15/10/10 at 23:09
"Anyone but that one"
Posts: 98
Lately i've been taking a stroll down memory lane thinking about games of old and how revolutionary they were for their time, games like Zelda Ocarina of Time and Conkers Bad Fur Day, amongst others, which were both revolutionary in their own ways and still stand out even from the games of today with their lush graphics and innovative menu systems. So it's time for a blast from the past and time to remind the gamers of today what a good game really is.

If you think your brother, your sister or even your nan is weird then you obviously haven't seen the world of Conkers Bad Fur Day, from talking pitchforks, foul mouthed cogs to snooty catfish, drunk scarecrows and zombie squirrels you'll find it all in this beast of a game and it's enough to make anyone think the game makers, Rareware are completely barmey and should be locked up but Conkers Bad Fur Day can only be the brainchild of a genius, why I hear you moan? Let me tell you.

From the outset Conkers Bad Fur Day is nothing but absolute quality and unlike a lot of games back in it's time has a top notch storyline which doesn't leave you feeling like it's just been slapped together at the last minute and the quality will be obvious even from the opening cut scene which introduces the story nicely and sends you plunging headfirst into the single player game. In the first chapter you will learn how to control conker as he moves through the first few areas and of course how to do the 'helicoptery-tail-thingy' which will be your best friend besides from your trusty old frying pan but I cant imagine why would conker take a frying pan with him to the pub in the first place, but hey-ho I guess anything really is possible in the virtual world.

The controls are simple and very well thought out and I especially like the context sensitive items and actions you will get to use as you progress through the game, which you will learn about in the first chapter and if you skip through it or forget about it don't worry, you'll get periodic reminders of how to use them thanks to your trusty old lightbulb, “goes ting” which will show you which combination of buttons to use and there is also the manual, which is available at certain points in the game. It's everything that stupid windows paperclip should have been! Which shows that Rareware have put in a lot of effort to make sure you enjoy the game without becoming so confused at complicated controls that you stamp on it in a blind rage until it smashes, not that N64 controls are complicated but we all know how much of a pain it can be to pull of special moves with insanely complicated button combinations and sequences. You won't get any of this here, it's simple, straightforward and is what it needs to be.

The game is laid out into different “Chapters” and inevitably it gets more difficult as the game goes on but Conkers Bad Fur Day is a very satisfying game to play as after each chapter or section you pass you are rewarded with top quality cut scenes, of which there is no shortage of. One thing that will become immediately obvious even after the first few levels is that the game is packed full of brilliant parodies from just about every movie under the sun at the time, from the recurring Clockwork Orange theme throughout the game to the brilliant Matrix sequence which is worth playing through the whole game for on it's own. Like an MP's expense returns, no expense has been spared by Rareware to make sure they get a laugh out of even the most mature gamers and when I say mature, I mean “too grown up to laugh at childish toilet gags” because laughs are pretty much guaranteed in this game.

The gameplay is simply outstanding and it is very doubtful that you will be able to complete it all in one go as the often infuriating levels will challenge even the most experienced gamers and thanks to the cartoony look to the game you will probably forget you're playing on an N64 as the graphics are wonderfully dynamic and vibrant which give the game wonderful depth and wouldn't look our of place on a 360. If a game is really good though, then the graphics won't really matter to a true gamer and that's exactly what Conkers Bad Fur Day is, a good game from every angle and definitely wont disappoint. What made it so revolutionary? I hear you scream, well for one you were given a surprising amount of freedom to wonder round Conkers Kingdom and you didn't always have to complete certain areas in order but what made it so revolutionary is that it's just plain rude which for a console game, was pretty much unheard of in its day together with the fact that its so wonderfully bizarre and out there is what makes Conkers Bad Fur Day the classic that it is.

A furtastic 10/10
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Fri 15/10/10 at 23:09
"Anyone but that one"
Posts: 98
Lately i've been taking a stroll down memory lane thinking about games of old and how revolutionary they were for their time, games like Zelda Ocarina of Time and Conkers Bad Fur Day, amongst others, which were both revolutionary in their own ways and still stand out even from the games of today with their lush graphics and innovative menu systems. So it's time for a blast from the past and time to remind the gamers of today what a good game really is.

If you think your brother, your sister or even your nan is weird then you obviously haven't seen the world of Conkers Bad Fur Day, from talking pitchforks, foul mouthed cogs to snooty catfish, drunk scarecrows and zombie squirrels you'll find it all in this beast of a game and it's enough to make anyone think the game makers, Rareware are completely barmey and should be locked up but Conkers Bad Fur Day can only be the brainchild of a genius, why I hear you moan? Let me tell you.

From the outset Conkers Bad Fur Day is nothing but absolute quality and unlike a lot of games back in it's time has a top notch storyline which doesn't leave you feeling like it's just been slapped together at the last minute and the quality will be obvious even from the opening cut scene which introduces the story nicely and sends you plunging headfirst into the single player game. In the first chapter you will learn how to control conker as he moves through the first few areas and of course how to do the 'helicoptery-tail-thingy' which will be your best friend besides from your trusty old frying pan but I cant imagine why would conker take a frying pan with him to the pub in the first place, but hey-ho I guess anything really is possible in the virtual world.

The controls are simple and very well thought out and I especially like the context sensitive items and actions you will get to use as you progress through the game, which you will learn about in the first chapter and if you skip through it or forget about it don't worry, you'll get periodic reminders of how to use them thanks to your trusty old lightbulb, “goes ting” which will show you which combination of buttons to use and there is also the manual, which is available at certain points in the game. It's everything that stupid windows paperclip should have been! Which shows that Rareware have put in a lot of effort to make sure you enjoy the game without becoming so confused at complicated controls that you stamp on it in a blind rage until it smashes, not that N64 controls are complicated but we all know how much of a pain it can be to pull of special moves with insanely complicated button combinations and sequences. You won't get any of this here, it's simple, straightforward and is what it needs to be.

The game is laid out into different “Chapters” and inevitably it gets more difficult as the game goes on but Conkers Bad Fur Day is a very satisfying game to play as after each chapter or section you pass you are rewarded with top quality cut scenes, of which there is no shortage of. One thing that will become immediately obvious even after the first few levels is that the game is packed full of brilliant parodies from just about every movie under the sun at the time, from the recurring Clockwork Orange theme throughout the game to the brilliant Matrix sequence which is worth playing through the whole game for on it's own. Like an MP's expense returns, no expense has been spared by Rareware to make sure they get a laugh out of even the most mature gamers and when I say mature, I mean “too grown up to laugh at childish toilet gags” because laughs are pretty much guaranteed in this game.

The gameplay is simply outstanding and it is very doubtful that you will be able to complete it all in one go as the often infuriating levels will challenge even the most experienced gamers and thanks to the cartoony look to the game you will probably forget you're playing on an N64 as the graphics are wonderfully dynamic and vibrant which give the game wonderful depth and wouldn't look our of place on a 360. If a game is really good though, then the graphics won't really matter to a true gamer and that's exactly what Conkers Bad Fur Day is, a good game from every angle and definitely wont disappoint. What made it so revolutionary? I hear you scream, well for one you were given a surprising amount of freedom to wonder round Conkers Kingdom and you didn't always have to complete certain areas in order but what made it so revolutionary is that it's just plain rude which for a console game, was pretty much unheard of in its day together with the fact that its so wonderfully bizarre and out there is what makes Conkers Bad Fur Day the classic that it is.

A furtastic 10/10

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