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moto wrote:
> I got to about level 25, but when I found out that the enemies
> will always match your attributes I no longer saw the point in
> trying to level up.
I was like this too at first, but when you level up, your enemies drop much better weapons/items, which you can then either use or sell for loads of money to buy upgraded armour etc more quickly.
This is still one of my favourite games today, even though I've finished the main story and the Shivering Isles expansion, I still find stuff to do just by wandering around the map. It's never ending. :).
I have returned thanks for your reply that is pretty much what I do now
> I got to about level 25, but when I found out that the enemies
> will always match your attributes I no longer saw the point in
> trying to level up.
I was like this too at first, but when you level up, your enemies drop much better weapons/items, which you can then either use or sell for loads of money to buy upgraded armour etc more quickly.
This is still one of my favourite games today, even though I've finished the main story and the Shivering Isles expansion, I still find stuff to do just by wandering around the map. It's never ending. :)
I got to level 39 because i had amourer and heavy amour as major skils. Ive never used axes which is weird.