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"Pokemon Gold and Silver Mystery Gift"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Pokemon Gold'.
Fri 18/04/03 at 11:32
Posts: 787
I know the game is old but i've had the mystery gift for on my start screen ages and i don't know how to recieve the mystery gift. can someone help me out?
Mon 21/04/03 at 22:04
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
If you have Pokemon Stadium 2 and a transfer pak you can recieve a gift daily without the use of another human being.
Sun 20/04/03 at 11:58
Posts: 52
Fri 18/04/03 at 16:39
Posts: 4,142
and both player get items (different ones) like dolls, posters etc. for your bedroom or items for your adventure like potions or ultraballs etc.
Fri 18/04/03 at 12:12
Posts: 11,875
You have to do it with a friend, using the infra red link on the Gameboy Colour.
Fri 18/04/03 at 11:32
"My head hurts"
Posts: 284
I know the game is old but i've had the mystery gift for on my start screen ages and i don't know how to recieve the mystery gift. can someone help me out?

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