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Its so strange how a giant animal takes about 5 shots from a shotgun to be taken down, and how that Piere could take over 20 and still have enough in him to limp away...
Your thoughts?
you people have no self control
I forgot the sentence.
Now lets see how long it take till someone actually does this
*starts stopwatch*
> No, but if there are no plant pots and no balls, it's jus not worth
> getting. End of story.
Why plant pots?
> Throw a plant pot at his balls.
You do realise how uninteractive old games like that are dont you... dont you?
> So you want detailed answers, eh?
> Well, the way I see it is that the dinosaur has a thick layer of skin
> acting as armour and when the bullets hit the dinosaur the skin is
> effectively used as a second bullet, forming around the original
> bullet and pulling itself back into the dinosaur's body, whereas human
> skin is soft and the bullet goes straight through it, therefore
> killing a hulking great T-rex is less difficult than offing a bloke
> with a funny hat.
> And yes, that is the best I could come up with.
Good enough for me, how about everyone else?
> Throw a plant pot at his balls.