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"Why the Playstation 2 will succeed"

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Tue 15/08/00 at 02:55
Posts: 787
All Nintendo fans seem to think that the PS2 is going to really flop, while this Dolphin or Star Cube (whatever the hell its going to be called) is going to take all the success that the Playstation has experienced for the past 5 years. And to prove this here is the number of sales from the past year, info from a MULTI FORMAT MAGAZINE!!!.
Playstation 1,251,845
N64 135,984
Dreamcast 280,463
GB Color 669,641

Most people also say that the Playstation 2 are not going to develop top games. You are all forgetting that the Playstation was the one that brought you the following games; Resident Evil, Gran Turismo, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, the following sagas of Final Fantasy, and a lot more.
What makes you think that the Playstation 2 won't bring in as many top games in the next 5 years.
While all this is happening the Dolphin will probably be released within the third year of Playstation 2. By this time everyone will be talking about the Playstation 3.
To tell you the truth, it is kind of hard to imagine Nintendo and CD's/DVD's put together.
Mon 21/08/00 at 22:01
Posts: 0
I am not being biased, I am simply saying that the PS2 does not impress me.
And the only way the graphics WOULD impress anybody is if they were biased and have not yet played Soul Calibur for 12 hours and seen videos of Metropolis Street Racer.
And everyone is right, the PS2 will sell, greatly BUT only because of its name...
Mon 21/08/00 at 21:29
Posts: 0

The PS2 will be the most important Games Console in the world for at least the next 3-4 years. During this time, the PS2 will have completely obliterated the opposition, with perhaps the exception of the X-BOX [maybe]. Remember, Sony are EXTREMELY clever people, and they have realised that to make the PS2 'sell' is easy. It will sell simply besause it has 'that' logo... Sony however have realised that to make it 'succeed' they need to get a PS2 into the home of every wealthy citizen in the world. Once they have done this, they will be able to add other things to the basic system, extending it's life phenomonally. Don't beleive me? Why is there a DVD drive...Why are there 2 USB ports and 1 Firewire port?...Because Sony wil plug as many of their other products into the PS2 as possible... The PS2 doesn't need to be sold straight away, people will wait for as long as they are made to...

The [Q]
Sun 20/08/00 at 11:51
Posts: 0
Playstation 2, technically, is a superb machine. The screen shots i've seen in magazines etc have truely impressed me. It has been said that certain games PS games will not work on PS2 and neither will some DVD's but this is not the problem that PS2 is going to face in the UK. It's major problem is the support from its own company. I mean what on earth are Sony Europe playing at? They have in their hands probably the greatest console ever and they are hidding it like a small child and only allowing a few of its mates to have a go. This first come first served reservation system is stupid! I've been into several Sony Centre's and they have said they don't know whats going on, some have hinted that we may only get 50,000 with the full release to follow in March. If Sony what the PS2 to be a success in Europe then they will need to do better than playing this silly game. SORT IT OUT SONY, WE WANT PS2!!!!!
Sat 19/08/00 at 13:30
Posts: 0
The playstation 2 will succeed because of the amount of people who owned the playstation. I know that this did not happen between the mega-drive to saturn conversion but this was because of the lack of coverage and advertisement, but the playstation 2 will get the advertisement it deserves.
Also, you just have to look at the sales of the dreamcast, which are not very impressive and this shows that people are probably waiting for the playstation 2.
Fri 18/08/00 at 21:19
Posts: 0
Well, you are absoloutely right that the Playstation 2 will only sell on the name, because if quality was all that counted, Playstation would have lasted for no time at all. Magazine sales count for nothing, we'll just have to see how the public respond at last, i own a N64, but i never buy a magazine for it, i get games info from the many other sources availiable. I don't know if the dolphin will be superb but i know that i wont be buying a PS2, because all we'll get are the same games as from Playstation 1, which has been Sony's main problem. Well the Dreamcast is already sunk though, it wasn't worth buying because it was beaten before it even came out. The dispute will go on untill the next group of consoles come out, however, the x-box will be out soon. I don't know about the x-box, but it is going to have an excellent selling point... the ability to download add ons etc. It may just be the console to end all consoles, literally. I suspect it is designed to get everyone onto PCs because it is, in essence a PC which is games dedicated (uses the same drivers etc. as a PC, hence the compatibility. I find it strange that no one considers the X-box a contender, but there you are. Anyway, i don't care which is best i just want the one that suits me best, and i think that, as a PC owner, this will be x-box.
Fri 18/08/00 at 20:43
Posts: 0
Pure speculation on you're part I'm affraid, but then you're entitled to you're opinions.As for the Dolphin, I'll take a look at that aswell, as I have a N64.Open you're minds...ummm...the only way to that is not to be biased ehhh, so what you doin here running down the Ps2 in favour of the Dolphin then? Can you answer me that?
Fri 18/08/00 at 16:37
Posts: 0
There is much reason to be worried......
The PS2 will succeed, for a short time, it will sell on its name untill people realise that the only decent game on the horizon is MGS2 (which is the only game you dont shut up about)
Which proves my point exactly...
Lack of games????? YES
And more people on this newsgroup are slagging the PS2 rather than routing for it, not a good ratio in a PS2 group....

Who knows, in a weeks time when the Dolphin is revealed, you may all change your minds or will you be biased????

To be biased about the Dolphin would be hypocritical considering you hate people who are biased towards the PS2.

Tue 15/08/00 at 23:23
Posts: 0
As I said, I favour the PSX, so I've pre-ordered my PS2, until it arrives I'll play on other consoles.And don't believe all this crap that is being bandied around on this forum about the PS2, it's just alot of people getting worried about it's imminent success, from what I've been reading and hearing PS2's future is very rosey indeed.I look at it this way, if these people were'nt so worried about the PS2 they would'nt be over here slagging it off, no one kicks a dead dog Eh!!!!!!.
Tue 15/08/00 at 20:14
Posts: 0
I would like to be a gaming fan of all formats too but with over 100 games i own for the Playstation, and the fact that the PS2 will play all or most of these games is mainly the reason why i'm sticking with Sony. And i also don't have the money to buy the same amount of games for the other consoles.
Tue 15/08/00 at 18:17
Posts: 0
In general, all the consoles, that are or will be available to the gameing public, have their good and bad games.That said, it again comes down to individual choice.I'm an action/adventure fan, and I'll persue these types of games on any format, so haveing a variety of consoles at disposal is infinatelty better than argueing over which console is better the next!!!I consider myself as a fan of gameing, rather than a fan of any one console on it's own, but saying that I only talk on this forum as I do have tendency to favour the PSX, not because I think it's better than the rest, but because of the games it has given me i.e MGS and SF.So I say,"be a fan of gameing" I've made some good e-mail friends through this, not just PSX users.Respect ARTY ps Perfect Dark looks massive.

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