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"Mario Kart 64"

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Wed 09/07/03 at 03:12
Posts: 787
does anyone know how to unlock the fifth cup I know there is Mushroom Cup, the Star Cup, Flower Cup and Special Cup but I heard somewhere that there was another one
Wed 09/07/03 at 11:19
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Tigamilla's right.

There's no extra cup, but Reverse Mod becomes available when you complete all cups on 150cc with Gold. It's nothing special but it's good for a laugh now and then. What's really funny is not telling you're mate who's good at Mario Kart, and watch him fly off the track when the track bends the opposite way to usual... :-D
And Toads Turnpike is unrivalled by any track ever when played in reverse :-D
Wed 09/07/03 at 10:07
Posts: 23,695
No more cups. Just those.
Wed 09/07/03 at 03:20
"The mighty GE90-115"
Posts: 5,344
Im not entirely sure (having played it so long ago) but I think getting all golds in the 150cc classes does the trick, the result is not THAT exciting to be honest, you just get race round the tracks in mirror mode, toads turnpike is quality going against the traffic though..
Wed 09/07/03 at 03:20
"bing bang bong"
Posts: 3,040
I don't own the N64 game, but I'd be surprised if there was a 5th cup, Mario Kart games generally only have the 4. I suspect whoever told you was pulling your chain.
Wed 09/07/03 at 03:12
Posts: 1
does anyone know how to unlock the fifth cup I know there is Mushroom Cup, the Star Cup, Flower Cup and Special Cup but I heard somewhere that there was another one

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