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"Why Must We Be Like This?"

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Tue 25/09/01 at 19:32
Posts: 787
The forms of discrimination are ranged from small-unseen circumstances all the way over to the huge world changing events that are left for everyone to see.

To start with we need to agree with what the term of discrimination is, it is the form of which a person is discriminated because of certain aspects. This could be for one of the following, religion, appearance, age, disability, ability, sex, and of course colour. The following events have all showed us the sheer terrific ability of discrimination can have, but if you go back even further back to 1939 and even before that discrimination was the reason for over 6,000,000 Jewish people being exterminated.

Now we all think that this is a sad and disgusting fact but when you start to believe the reasons for why they are being discriminated then that makes them just as bad as the people who are doing it. Back in the 12th Century in England the Jews where ‘known’ as the plague and were treated in the same ways in which they were in the Holocaust.

Many things cause discrimination but it is normally from the form of prejudice, which is a form of pre-judging person as stated in the name. Prejudice is caused from many things and this can be because of your feelings towards a person, rather then the whole race, it could be from a past experience, a lack of trust and most of all a lack of knowledge.

Discrimination is happening every day and in every place around the world and sometimes is less obvious then others. For example building a housing estate without access for the disabled is an actual sign of discrimination towards the disabled. Even though this is less obvious to people with all there necessary needs in life, this would not be the case to someone who was disabled.

There is a notable difference between someone who is prejudice and someone who is discriminating and that is that discrimination is a visible action and is viewed by others whilst prejudice is something that no one else has no know about. I bet every single person on these forums will agree with me that they have some prejudice against others. Whether it would be for any reason what so ever, although at this moment in time I can imagine the reason being for colour of skin.

The recent events have showed us just the capabilities of one-person actions and what they can have on the rest of the world. As I type this SAS members are out in Afghanistan fighting against acts to humanity. Police are now constantly on standby for something to happen and the Muslims of the country live in fear for their lives because of the peoples attitude towards them.

Can a person be judged because of this? Because I don’t think so, how would you all be feeling right now if the hijackers where British? It would be a different story. Now I am sorry to bring this up it just seems that no one has come to learn anything from the disasters on the 11th, you can’t judge other people from there age, sex, appearance and anything else you can possibly think of.

Thanks for reading
Wed 26/09/01 at 19:58
"Mm reprocessed meat"
Posts: 967
Good post, but the SAS are not in Afganistan at the moment, and are unlikely to go out there.
Wed 26/09/01 at 16:42
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> now most people have stopped being horrible towards the minorities (well, most
> people) i think that they are now majorities and they are being horrible to the
> new minorities.
(is this making any sense?)
so being- white, male, thin and
> dark haired... you get the picture.

(i don;t think i got my point across.
> sorry)

*Looks at screen in sheer desbelief*

*In a calm reassuring voice*

Is everything Ok, FFF? There appears to be something wrong here, you are not SPAMMING, well what can I really say? Apart from congratulations, it must have been hard for you but by George you've done it.

And thanks for the wonderful comments guys.
Tue 25/09/01 at 22:19
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
now most people have stopped being horrible towards the minorities (well, most people) i think that they are now majorities and they are being horrible to the new minorities.
(is this making any sense?)
so being- white, male, thin and dark haired... you get the picture.

(i don;t think i got my point across. sorry)
Tue 25/09/01 at 21:11
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
Yes, well done Mr Nice Guy.

We just can't get away from it can we? Discrimination is everywhere, we all do it to one or another at one point or another, whether it be for fun, or very serious in order to put one or another down. As you said, discrimination is a horrible thing that is usually expressed to everyone around you - you just want to let yourself go and discriminate the victim; whereas prejudice is more than likely to be a secret affair.

Of course, the thing that annoys me is the fact that it stil happens now, where you'd think that we would have know by now. But no - it could happen in job interviews, social activities and the like.

We could go on to argue that people take after others when it copmes down to discrimination. For example, maybe your Dad was racist and you grown up to dislike Black people; that maybe the case, but it's simply not right.

Tue 25/09/01 at 21:10
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
you sound like a nice guy :-)

good post
Tue 25/09/01 at 21:01
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
The chance of getting rid of discrimination is slim, and even if stopped as law it will still be joked about...

You can write as many fancy posts as you want, but it won't help... you need to get out and help people, not write about how badly you feel when your sitting in a chair, typing on a computer that is worth more than the estates of the people who are discrimintated against.

Your fancy words and spur-of-the-moment views neither impress or help anyone.
Tue 25/09/01 at 20:34
Posts: 0
Good post Mr Nice Guy.

I think that discrimintaion is done by only a handful of people yet it affects so many. The violent and racial behaviour through the war was due to brainwashing, it can take one man's ideas to control a whole country and turn them against everything that was good in the world. But it takes everyone to make the world a better place for everyone. (That doesn't make much sense to me, but it might to you)

I also think that the actions in Afghanistan can only be justified if no innocent member of the public is killed or injured by this, they say that no attacks on the public is what they want, but I think that it is nearly inevitable that there will be some innocent victims in the attacks.

As for racial behaviour, I disagree with it, I'm sure that someone who is black is more than capable of doing a job of a white man, I'm sure that a girl is capable of doing the same job as a man and I'm sure someone with a disability is capable of doing a job a non-disabled person can do.
Tue 25/09/01 at 20:11
"You Bum!!"
Posts: 3,740
Great post mate
Tue 25/09/01 at 20:05
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
just a phase.
no more spamming.......

maybe a few outbursts now and again
Tue 25/09/01 at 19:58
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> *agreeing*

Well even if you do SPAM, I thank you for your comment none the less.

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