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"Future of Gaming, is it good??"

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Tue 25/09/01 at 16:26
Posts: 787
I have been thinking about this for quite a while. All that’s going on with the Future of Gaming will this leave behind what really matters? What do you think of when you here the words Future of Gaming? Virtual reality, 4D pictures?

Well this is exactly what’s going to happen with companies like Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sega. There going to think that we (As gamers) want graphics and nothing else. These companies will start to forget about the gameplay if this goes on, the most important part of gaming. Graphics are basically a little extra to look at, not what makes you come back for more, when you look at older consoles they don’t need amazing graphics to have a brilliant game, do they.

First lets look at the first computer I had and one of the oldest I know. The Spectrum, it may have taken about 30 minutes to load up, and it used to use tapes instead of cartridges or discs as we use now. It had many playable games like Death, Batman, Ruff ‘n’ Ready and the most playable game I’ve ever played Snowball in Hell. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s like a puzzle game were you have to destroy blocks with a snowball that keeps deflecting of the wall and blocks. You probably think from that from that description that’s it’s very simple, but that’s the beauty of brilliant games, there simple. Now as you all know a lot of games are starting to get more and more complicated, this could be what will destroy the Future of Gaming.

After the Spectrum was the NES and the Sega Master System. The NES and Master System had some classic, simple games such as Sonic and Mario. These games were a bit more complicated but still very playable. The best games for these consoles were simple they may not have been very popular but they were very playable like Duck Hunt and Sonic.

The handhelds are a perfect example of this. The original & Pocket GB was full of classic games like Mario Land 1 & 2. Then came the GBC, which was still really good. After that was the GBA, which is a good console with SOME playable games, but a lot of the GBA games are let downs. Some of the games like Bomberman Tournament have brilliant graphics but terrible gameplay.

I’m worried that this will happen to the Gamecube and X box, we’ve all seen the pictures and they look amazing, the Future of Gaming. If this happens and these consoles end up being failures the companies like Nintendo and Microsoft may stop making consoles because of this problem.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do think this will actually happen or blow over?

Thanks for reading.

Wed 26/09/01 at 20:09
Posts: 15,443
The future of gaming can go along different ways - for example, like the economy before it, the industry could fall into recession. On the other hand, like the service sector, business will increase and consumers will be spoilt for choice, albeit with no money to buy the games with.
Wed 26/09/01 at 20:04
Posts: 10,437
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> not being mean but i did a post much like this one a while back.......

> one was interested in that either.

Soz Triple F didn't notice.

*RiCkOsS trys to rub his chest and pat his head at the same time*
Tue 25/09/01 at 22:24
Posts: 6,492
I have one single point to make here. We are the future of gaming, what we buy and what we show interest in, is what will be successful, just ask anyone who lost out to an inferior Playstation. We are the future market and the future games developers, this industry will be whatever we want it to be, and go where we want it to go.
Tue 25/09/01 at 22:21
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
not being mean but i did a post much like this one a while back.......

no one was interested in that either.
Tue 25/09/01 at 22:18
Posts: 10,437
C'mon people, get postin. At least read it.
Tue 25/09/01 at 16:33
Posts: 3,611 mean nothing. They can be a good pull factor for people who don't know much about the games themselves, but I am sure that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft will not believe they can pull in money on this alone.

As you mentioned, the greatest games tend to have very simple graphics.....but what you have to remember is that when they were released they actually had revolutionary graphics for that time. So in a way they aren't simplistic at all, just compared to the games we play now really.

Companies do however have to stay original, not just keep churning out endless repeats of the last game in the series, however with minor tweaks. Of course, sequels are fine, but they need something, they need something more than the past game in the series. They have to have something to make it stand out, someting to make it worth buying. Otherwise its going to be doomed to the discount bin.

On the note, will the future of gaming be good. I can honestly answer, I don't know. What I can tell you is that its going to be an exciting time for games and us, the gamers. Were going to be seeing some exciting new games, revolutionary if the developers can get to grips with the new hardware. But as you've said, they can't get carried away with the graphics.

Tue 25/09/01 at 16:26
Posts: 10,437
I have been thinking about this for quite a while. All that’s going on with the Future of Gaming will this leave behind what really matters? What do you think of when you here the words Future of Gaming? Virtual reality, 4D pictures?

Well this is exactly what’s going to happen with companies like Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sega. There going to think that we (As gamers) want graphics and nothing else. These companies will start to forget about the gameplay if this goes on, the most important part of gaming. Graphics are basically a little extra to look at, not what makes you come back for more, when you look at older consoles they don’t need amazing graphics to have a brilliant game, do they.

First lets look at the first computer I had and one of the oldest I know. The Spectrum, it may have taken about 30 minutes to load up, and it used to use tapes instead of cartridges or discs as we use now. It had many playable games like Death, Batman, Ruff ‘n’ Ready and the most playable game I’ve ever played Snowball in Hell. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s like a puzzle game were you have to destroy blocks with a snowball that keeps deflecting of the wall and blocks. You probably think from that from that description that’s it’s very simple, but that’s the beauty of brilliant games, there simple. Now as you all know a lot of games are starting to get more and more complicated, this could be what will destroy the Future of Gaming.

After the Spectrum was the NES and the Sega Master System. The NES and Master System had some classic, simple games such as Sonic and Mario. These games were a bit more complicated but still very playable. The best games for these consoles were simple they may not have been very popular but they were very playable like Duck Hunt and Sonic.

The handhelds are a perfect example of this. The original & Pocket GB was full of classic games like Mario Land 1 & 2. Then came the GBC, which was still really good. After that was the GBA, which is a good console with SOME playable games, but a lot of the GBA games are let downs. Some of the games like Bomberman Tournament have brilliant graphics but terrible gameplay.

I’m worried that this will happen to the Gamecube and X box, we’ve all seen the pictures and they look amazing, the Future of Gaming. If this happens and these consoles end up being failures the companies like Nintendo and Microsoft may stop making consoles because of this problem.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do think this will actually happen or blow over?

Thanks for reading.


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