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"Mario Karts bonus disk!"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Thu 28/08/03 at 15:40
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
The bonus disk is going to be a super dupre graphically updated version of the N64 version of Mario Kart!

It's going to be amazing!


Nintendo are great!


did I mention the bonus disk is only going to be available to those who PRE-ORDER Mario Kart DD!

And the best news yet...

The bonus disk is going to contain....

DEMO's of up coming games!!!

Not Mario Kart 64!

Mon 01/09/03 at 20:51
Posts: 13,611
Sun 31/08/03 at 23:42
Posts: 9,848
lol @ Whitestripes!! :-D
Sun 31/08/03 at 23:23
Posts: 11,875
Maverick42 wrote:

> Double Dash!! is an update of Mario 64,

Surely all that platforming is a bit difficult at 80mph?

I don't think Nintendo have thought this through.
Sun 31/08/03 at 22:50
Posts: 13,611
maddmun wrote:
> Maverick42 wrote:
> Well I'd prefer demos. Why would you want two Mario Kart 64 updates?
> Two?

Double Dash!! is an update of Mario 64, so why would you want a rushed update of that, the lesser version? Demos all the way, I say.
Fri 29/08/03 at 17:47
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
maddmun wrote:
> Maverick42 wrote:
> Well I'd prefer demos. Why would you want two Mario Kart 64 updates?
> Two?

I think he's trying to say that the new Mario Kart is basically an updated version of 64.

Tisn't really though, can't people get on the back and throw stuff at un suspecting drivers?
Fri 29/08/03 at 17:21
Posts: 15,681
It would be nice to see Super Mario Kart (as a four player game) and Mario Kart 64 both released on the bonus disc. Although its unlikely to happen, we can still wish...
Fri 29/08/03 at 16:53
Posts: 11,038
Maverick42 wrote:
> Well I'd prefer demos. Why would you want two Mario Kart 64 updates?

Fri 29/08/03 at 16:33
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264
It's still 50/50 as to what will be on the bonus disc, we'll just have to wait and see....
Fri 29/08/03 at 13:19
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
I'd like a SNES mario kart with a 4 player mode.
Thu 28/08/03 at 21:45
Posts: 13,611
Well I'd prefer demos. Why would you want two Mario Kart 64 updates?

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