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"The Japanese Market"

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Tue 25/09/01 at 08:29
Posts: 787
Do you think that there will ever be a big American, or for that case Western, company that will finally conquer Japan? Even now, the likes of EA, Eidos and even Rare have yet to produce one successful game in Japan. But why is this?

Well, the simple answer is two fold. Firstly, Japanese people, in general, like a different style of game- quick, easy and simple. For this reason, many games are released in Japan with only the "Easy" mode. Secondly, Japanese gamers have a kind of alliance to the big Japanese game makers- Sega, Namco, Nintendo et al.

So what does this mean for Microsoft?
Simply put, if Microsoft fails to get Japanese developers on board, then they will almost certainly lose out on this market.

Mind you, MS are having a good stab at things. Already they have announced a huge floor space in the Tokyo Games Show, as well as their own, independant event to take place before the Xbox launch. The have some good Japanese developers on board- Temco being the most highly acclaimed.

But could MS have done more?
Actually, I personally think MS has done everything right for a first time console manufacturer. They have designed the console well, will promote it widely, and have some top exclusive games. The only thing they could have done differently would be to bbuy Sega when they were struggling... if Sega was even for sale that is.

You views?
Fri 28/09/01 at 19:14
Posts: 0
Insane Bartender wrote:
> Did you know that an american firm once tried to buy a huge share of
> Toyota?

They failed asa number of Japanese companies blocked them at an
> enourmous cost.


To stop America ever owning anything big that belongs
> to Japan. The Japanese are a very protective people, and if it's not from Japan,
> it will never be Japanese.

Just thought that point might be relevant.

Indeed, the Japanese are very protective of their ecconomy. Imported goods have very high tarrifs and taxes impossed on them, thus promoting home made products at home.

This idea of isolationism may also pose a problem to Microsfoft. After all, Japan has always been a one-console market (that is, one console being far, far more popular than the rest). Do you really see them going for an American console, with unregionalised games that may not even appeal to them?
Fri 28/09/01 at 15:17
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
Did you know that an american firm once tried to buy a huge share of Toyota?

They failed asa number of Japanese companies blocked them at an enourmous cost.


To stop America ever owning anything big that belongs to Japan. The Japanese are a very protective people, and if it's not from Japan, it will never be Japanese.

Just thought that point might be relevant.
Fri 28/09/01 at 09:51
Posts: 9,848
I'm certain that Jet Force Gemini was successful in Japan and I'm sure that Kameo will be too.

The character looks very Japanese style.
Fri 28/09/01 at 08:13
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Anyone remember Sniper's 'Japanese Morons' post, that was regarding Perfect Darks poor sales in Japan, and their motion sickness, that was funny....

The Japanese have some very strange games though, don't they, like that Hamster simulation game, and they like horse racing games, apparently.

I can't see the big 'action' type titles going down too well in Japan, but I don't see why a US or European developer would be unable to produce an RPG to appeal to the Japanese market, given the success of titles like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

Are the Japanese as big a fans of Zelda as the West? If so, wouldn't Star Fox Adventures appeal to them, given the similar gameplay to N64-era Zelda?
Thu 27/09/01 at 20:31
Posts: 0
Didn't people go
> mental for Tomb Raider in Japan? I'd be surprised if it wasn't a top seller. The
> same goes for Goldeneye, Donkey Kong etc.

The other way around! Tomb Raider sales were aweful in Japan! Two reasons:
1) Lara Croft was still a corcasian white girl... clearly half the attraction of a game was Lara, to whom the Japanese had no liking!
2) The fast action game is not a good thing in japan... let me explain...

GOLDENEYE, and PD were TERRIBLE sellers in Japan! Teh reason is that Japanese gamers physically (yes, as in they are completely unable to) play first person games in the style of FPS games. They get EXTREMELY bad motion sickness. Even people really into games, like the man who produced Jet Set, are unable to play these games for more than 20mins. For that reason Sega have made Outrigger- probably the only FPS that tries to prevent this sickness.

As for games being easier in Japan...
Games like Resident Evil have been known to be only released in Japan with the "Easy" level included.

I don't know about the FF games, although I'll take your word for it...

But the point I was trying to get accross was that in order or western games to do well, they must be addapted...
Thu 27/09/01 at 13:09
Posts: 0
American and British games don't tend to well in japan. But just think, would it be the same over here if they brought out some of their games over here.
Thu 27/09/01 at 12:21
Posts: 9,848
Perfect Dark did poorly in Japan.

They don't like First Person Games.

I think they liked Jet Force Gemini though, and Donkey Kong 64.

Rare have made plenty of Japan Sucessful games.
Wed 26/09/01 at 22:37
Posts: 18,185
Perfect Dark did well.
Tue 25/09/01 at 14:03
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
The Japanese are into the RPG's and so alot of companies that do well over here probably won't have the same effect.
Tue 25/09/01 at 13:40
Posts: 3,182
Logan wrote:
Japanese people, in
> general, like a different style of game- quick, easy and simple. For this
> reason, many games are released in Japan with only the "Easy" mode.

I've heard this mentioned before, but a lot "Japanese" games I've played seem incredibly difficult.
I'm playing a game at the moment called Industrial Spy, and its near on impossible.
Tokyo Bus Guide is another that is very tricky. I cannot finish the first route.

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