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"PS2 Yabasic"

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Sun 23/09/01 at 15:12
Posts: 787
Has anyone used this prograam? I've read the OPSM2 latest issues and it gives code for a game you can program and make. Its been doing so since issue no. 9 and I was wondering if anyone has also used the program to make a game?

The program is on the Playstation 2 demo disc you get when you send off your registration form.

If anyone has used the program please enter some code in this topic so we can all share each others work. I've been using the OPSM2's code to program a game and i've also changed it a bit and added my own little code to make it better and add more features.

So far my program involves a plane flying over a mountain avoiding enemies that come across the screen. I have implemeted control (using the Dual Shock 2 controllers) and collision with a health bar when you hit the mountain or enemy.

So if anyone has any code or questions reply in this topic.
Wed 26/09/01 at 21:19
Posts: 0
Well, for those of you who don't know, here's the story:

With the PS1, there were 3 types: grey, blue and black.
The grey was the average console
The blue was the development console
And then someone thought "Why not make a cheap version of the blue PS1 for bedroom coders?". So the black PS1, complete with dev kit and cables, came out at £400. The dev software was called Yaroze (I hope I've spelt that right!), and every so often the Official PS mag would have competitions for bedroom games, and then publish the game on a demo disc.

The games could be very complex... usually people made some 2d shooters and the like at up to the standard of the SNES.

Now, with the advent of the PS2, Sony thought "Why not have something like Yaroze for everyone!?" So they made Yabasic... a VERY simple game creation programming language... which is far more ineffective than Yaroze.
Wed 26/09/01 at 16:17
"Party like its 2005"
Posts: 452
I posted a little while ago about this. I really wanted to have a go at this program, but missed the first issue :( Unfortunatly I understand it is quite long, so no-one is able to post it...
Oh well! I'd still be very interested to hear how you are progressing with your game, and maybe one day you can transfer it to my PS2 over the net as mentioned below!
For anyone that isn't interested, fine, coding isn't for everyone. You need to have a good knowledge of maths, have patience, and have a very creative mind to make games. Yabasic is an excellent tool, as it doesn't do it all for you like a visual programming tool (e.g. VB, VC++ etc.).
Learning Yabasic is an excellent starting block for a very high paid job in IT too, as well as being fun, so keep it up and ignore the people persuading you otherwise!!!
Mon 24/09/01 at 20:34
"shut it you tart"
Posts: 178
It took me ages to work out how to start the thing up properly...and I do A-Level Computing and can actually do proper programming. Terrible, really. If I had a keyboard, I'd probably give it more of a go.
Sun 23/09/01 at 17:44
Posts: 0

Worms not snake code.
Sun 23/09/01 at 17:41
Posts: 0
super_dude2000 wrote:
> yeah i have also been following opsm2 magazinebut i would like some more can
> anyone help

Cool theres finally someone who wants to make a game.

Well it depends how many of the Mags columns you have followed. If you have them all then so far u have the same as me. But i've incorporated some of the code from other programs that came with the disc. For example the snake code, you can use the start up screen where it tells you to press the x button to continue. Copy and paste the code from one to another and you have extra code for your game. If you cant find it i will try and get the code on here soon.

Stay tuned.

Sun 23/09/01 at 17:32
Posts: 0
yeah i have also been following opsm2 magazinebut i would like some more can anyone help
Sun 23/09/01 at 16:26
Posts: 0
big_slow wrote:
> Flammable Lecter wrote:
> Its very easy. But if you dont want to dont
> bother.

no its not, u cant do it yourself. you copy them out a mag remember

Yes but i also incorporate others and i made my own short code, that works. It brings up a title screen etc. but i dont expect you want to know.
Sun 23/09/01 at 15:53
Posts: 0
Flammable Lecter wrote:
> Its very easy. But if you dont want to dont bother.

no its not, u cant do it yourself. you copy them out a mag remember
Sun 23/09/01 at 15:45
Posts: 0
Its very easy. But if you dont want to dont bother.
Sun 23/09/01 at 15:37
Posts: 0
i cant be bothered, dont know how and dont want to know.

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