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"All Good Things In Life Are Short"

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Sat 22/09/01 at 10:26
Posts: 787
A vast multitude of the general public like to say, “All good things in life are short”.

This is also true for gaming.

When longevity is mentioned in gaming, two games spring to mind.

Metal Gear Solid has flawless gameplay; a plot worthy of Hollywood standards and the audio and visual are fantastic. When you’ve just blown Liquid Snake away from the peak of Metal Gear Rex, you may feel a little miffed and want more. Despite the fact that the game is crammed on 2 discs, it still seems disappointingly short.

The complete opposite of this would be Vagrant Story. This game is only a disc long but it seems longer than the odyssey’s of Snake. Could it be that you get more engrossed in MGS than Vagrant Story and it just seems to be shorter? Could our minds just be playing games with us? I’m sure that the developers of Vagrant Story must have had to cut away a lot of the fat and gristle out of the game, or they had very little space left on the disc. Either way, MGS is still the better game, but Vagrant Story is still a great game.

Max Payne is another prime example of a short game. You could just be sinking your teeth into the madness of the game, when you kill the mob bosses and have avenged the death of your daughter and wife. Max Payne is an incredibly short game, but the graphics, sound and yes, Bullet Time make up for this in a BIG way.

You may say “Quality, not quantity”, which is true, but it is very frustrating when you’re having the time of your life, playing away happily, when you defeat your worst enemy and the screen reads “The End”, to your disdain. It looks as though all those man (or not so) hours of playing have been a waste. It only took me about 4 hours to complete Metal Gear Solid on my best day. That is showing something there. When MGS is pushed to the limits, a measly 4 hours is all that you get out of it. Max Payne has given me about 3 hours of play so far (I play it in small parts) but this is my first time playing the game, and I’m a little rough around the edge’s not knowing where the routes are, even though I’ve had it for a while. Final Fantasy 9 is as big as 8 Crash Bandicoot’s compiled together and almost 3 Metal Gear Solid’s, but it seems like a lot more! MGS has a lot of the video sequences, probably taking up most of the disc, but FF9 has a reasonable amount of FMV, but still delivers excellent gameplay and one amazing game, which is (by far) an understatement. Max Payne does not have a huge amount of video but a “safe” amount for a game of its stature. Final Fantasy 9 has given me 11 hours of pleasure in the first 3 days (yes, I’m an addict) and I would never regret buying (actually, winning it as a GAD) it for one second.

You may have thought of this post as a rant on short games, but is everything BUT that. I am simply stating that as the title says, “All good things in life are short”.

Sun 23/09/01 at 18:50
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792

for 6 more days anyway
Sun 23/09/01 at 18:49
"360: swfcman"
Posts: 6,953
shaneo wrote:
> FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> POP?

was that your suction pump
> exploding.

It's when you write something useless in a topic, to get it back
> up the top of the page again :D

Much like all FFF posts. :)
Sun 23/09/01 at 18:47
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> POP?

was that your suction pump exploding.

It's when you write something useless in a topic, to get it back up the top of the page again :D
Sun 23/09/01 at 18:46
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
I prefer long games to short games, especially when I have a lot of time on my hands.
Sun 23/09/01 at 18:44
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792

was that your suction pump exploding.
Sun 23/09/01 at 18:11
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
I wish I didn't have to do this but...POP!
Sun 23/09/01 at 17:06
Posts: 18,775
hur hur hur
Sat 22/09/01 at 17:12
"Mm reprocessed meat"
Posts: 967
Your Honour wrote:
> Wookiee!

Look at the title of this thread, see? You don't need that
> enlargement operation afterall!


Sat 22/09/01 at 14:36
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
Sat 22/09/01 at 11:17
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
Heh. Funny.

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