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"Import website that sells hit and run?"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Simpsons: Hit & Run'.
Sun 21/09/03 at 11:30
Posts: 842
I've been looking for an import games website that sell Simpsons :hit and Run, but so far i've found nothing. I've looked in lik-sang and goblin, and i do not know of any others. I've seen it in import madness, but i do not know whether it is a trustworthy site. Can anyone help me?
Mon 22/09/03 at 10:36
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264 (UK based) sell import Ninty games also, not sure about that particular game though, take a look
Sun 21/09/03 at 13:07
"previously phuzzy."
Posts: 3,487
ImportMadness is fine, why everyone thinks otherwise I don't know.

Order FF Tactics and its arrived on time.
Sun 21/09/03 at 11:30
Posts: 842
I've been looking for an import games website that sell Simpsons :hit and Run, but so far i've found nothing. I've looked in lik-sang and goblin, and i do not know of any others. I've seen it in import madness, but i do not know whether it is a trustworthy site. Can anyone help me?

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