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"Latest Mario Kart Rumours"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Mon 22/09/03 at 12:35
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264
There's a few:

1. There are 6 cups (the three normal ones, plus the Special Cup and then 2 more bonus ones) - THIS ONE IS CONFIRMED AS TRUE I'VE JUST READ :)

2. There are 8 secret characters to be unlocked

3. There will be a battle mode level creator

It gets better and better.
Tue 23/09/03 at 18:53
Posts: 6,989
It will be out before you know it, as the days seem to be going by fairly quickly.

I've always wanted a level creator, as that would be brilliant, providing you have enough memory to build big tracks to battle on, unlike the Timesplitters 2 level creator which meant that you get bored straight away.

I wonder who the secret charaters could be if it's true.


Shadow Mario
Waluigi (If not on original)

Can't wait until this game finally comes out.
Tue 23/09/03 at 07:47
Posts: 3,937
I can't wait to get it.
Tue 23/09/03 at 07:43
"" "13cm"
Posts: 411
14th Nov.
Tue 23/09/03 at 00:47
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
Good god how long till this beauty arrives on our shores?
Tue 23/09/03 at 00:39
Posts: 21,800
Starlight wrote:
> Apparently it's real lsow at the moment though and that licks balls.

I've seen recent footage and believe me, it's bloody fast.

Looks to be faster than Mario Kart 64 from what I've seen. If any of you ever had that glitch? on DK pathway where the game seems to run a lot faster than usual, think that sort of speed.
Mon 22/09/03 at 23:36
Posts: 18,185
Nintendo jokes about the speed issue now...

After playing it, it is a fantastic game and I was promised a whole host of yet unshown extras and secrets.
Mon 22/09/03 at 21:22
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
I agree, that would set the game into interstellar multiplayer nuclear mutant hybrid super power, rather than just interstellar multiplayer nuclear mutant power.

I'll pretend to calm down now.
Mon 22/09/03 at 16:37
Posts: 23,695
Valentino Rossi wrote:
> 3. There will be a battle mode level creator


If this is true, then excellent.
Mon 22/09/03 at 16:36
Posts: 23,695
Starlight wrote:
> Apparently it's real lsow at the moment though and that licks balls.


Tut tut, Andy.

Nintendo fixed the speed problem about a month ago.

Mon 22/09/03 at 16:25
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Well, those first-two rumours have both turned-out to be true - who's to say that the Battle Mode one won't also "follow-suit", with Nintendo likely to try and push the idea of `LAN GameCube Gaming´, like they have done with the GBA-connectivity! :D

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