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"Master quest.... help"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Fri 26/09/03 at 13:33
Posts: 16,558
I'm stuck on first level.. i've dropped down, stepped on the switches and im now in a water area with a spike moving in the middle, a platform, in front of me is a blue switch and a torch thingy but there's no way of going under or over it (i remember in OoT the switch made the water drain)
Wed 01/10/03 at 22:18
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
It is a lot more tricky.

I was running scard at the Deku Tree.


I love that game.
Fri 26/09/03 at 15:27
Posts: 10,437
I *think* you have to press the switch and the nuse your shield on the moving platform, not sure, did it ages ago. Some of the Master Quest puzzles are insanely hard.
Fri 26/09/03 at 15:08
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Probably something to do with;

A) Fire
B) Switch somewhere else

Both of the above more likely.
Fri 26/09/03 at 13:33
Posts: 16,558
I'm stuck on first level.. i've dropped down, stepped on the switches and im now in a water area with a spike moving in the middle, a platform, in front of me is a blue switch and a torch thingy but there's no way of going under or over it (i remember in OoT the switch made the water drain)

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