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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Mon 20/10/03 at 16:27
"Grammatical Watchdo"
Posts: 1,166
Movies, screenshots and info on the bonus disc
Tue 21/10/03 at 13:55
"hit the road jack"
Posts: 2,538
Thats alot of screens!
And did I see Rainbow Road??
Tue 21/10/03 at 13:50
Posts: 16,558 / babelfish/ urltrurl?url= Affichage_News.php3?Id_news=1312&lp=fr_en&tt=url

Screenshots note the spaces
Tue 21/10/03 at 13:19
"hit the road jack"
Posts: 2,538
24 days!
Tue 21/10/03 at 08:01
Posts: 11,373
Pretty cool sites, both of them.
Mon 20/10/03 at 23:44
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264 is a good upto date independent site - with forums
Mon 20/10/03 at 19:31
Posts: 143
thats a really cool site!!!

and lookin a the vids the game looks even better!

Roll on November!
Mon 20/10/03 at 16:33
"Taste My Pain"
Posts: 879
Hey, it looks cool
Mon 20/10/03 at 16:31
Posts: 23,695
Mon 20/10/03 at 16:27
"Grammatical Watchdo"
Posts: 1,166
Movies, screenshots and info on the bonus disc

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