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"Great so the Xbox is the most powerful consol! Please read, my first topic!"

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Sun 09/09/01 at 23:53
Posts: 787
The Xbox is more powerful than the upcoming Gamecube and the PS2. What is the point?

Microsoft make a massivly powerful console. Well In 10 years people will have fogotten about it. Anyway the Xbox will not be the most powerful for long. I am sure that nintendo/playstation will reveal a new console in the next 5 years. Then this will all start again.

Look at computers. very so often we recieve a dell catalogue and each time the pwer of the computers has gone up, 1ghz, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8 and now 2ghz. What is the point. Buy a computer now and within days it is out of date. Consoles seem to be going the same way. Each new generation will be able to boast more speed and polygons per second than its rival. It will end up with ridiculos numbers. Microsoft should relise that its not speed that sells a console, its the quality of the games.

The NES, crap grahics by todays standerds but it does have some awsome and origional games. Other golden oldies are the sega megadrive and the origional playstation.

You can imagine a game with almost real graphics but a crap plot and game line. would you buy it? I might just to see what the graphics were like. When i saw Final Fantasy recently i didn't go because it had had a good rating, i went to see what the fuss was about. I was very impressed with the graphics but the stooryline was dreadful. So will games of the future only be given better and better graphics or better and better plots. I am hoping for the latter but with Xbox i am not to sure. I will only be impressed it the games on it have great plots and gameplay.

We will have to wait and see.

Mon 10/09/01 at 13:15
Posts: 0
Mothra where King Gidora and Godzilla at?
Mon 10/09/01 at 09:19
"Party like its 2005"
Posts: 452
If it's graphics you want over gameplay, buy a 'VHS video player'. The greatest graphics around, and only £50 for some models! Ghostbusters, Predator, Commando... The list goes on and on!!! You can pick these up for less than £5.
Graphically it wees all over the latest consoles, even the X-Box! The character looks real, except for Arnold Shwarzenegger...
Not much gameplay - just fastforward, rewind and pause options - but it's graphical power that's important - right???
It covers all the genres - action, horror, adventure etc. Has amazingly directed scenes. What more you you want?

Personally, I want gameplay from my games. You don't need graphics for gameplay - I have fun playing Parappa the rapper, tetris, bust-a-move, and playable classics like commando, pac-man, super mario bros. etc.
The x-box will not make these games any better because of it's power.

I actually think the extra graphics will detract from the gamplay!! I don't want a load of pointless FMV going on in the background when I'm trying to get lines in Tetris! If I wanted that, I'd watch a video afterwards!

It's o.k. to marvel at the new leaps forward in graphical power - but it's not what games are about.
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:48
Posts: 0
no you can't, can you.
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:44
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
i can't spel
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:43
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
a game would never be a top seller if it was sold only on graphice
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:22
Posts: 0
sometimes graphics do sell games
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:18
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
i argee with mothra. I wouldn't buy a game just cos it has decent graphics. I would buy it for gameplay and ideas and origionality. And graphics. But graphics don't sell games
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:14
Posts: 0
Mothra wrote:
Just had to go and ruin it with your namby
> pamby quotes huh!

It does not matter how good the console it the
> games are crap even 10000000000000000000 polygons a second would
> still not make it a great game!

just better graphics
Mon 10/09/01 at 01:06
Posts: 0
FantasyMeister wrote:
> In their own words:

"Xbox is Microsoft's future-generation
> video game system that delivers the most powerful games experiences
> ever. Xbox empowers game artists by giving them the technology to
> fulfill their creative visions as never before, creating games that
> blur the lines between fantasy and reality."

So that's why
> consoles need to be given a boost in power. There's some things on
> the new consoles that just couldn't be done before, like adding
> extra levels over the internet, trying demos before you buy, again
> by downloading them or via a cover mounted CD on a magazine,
> realistic life-like graphics to enhance the gaming experience,
> force-feedback, rumble packs, memory cards, none of these were
> available on the previous generation of consoles until the PSX and
> the N64 came along.

3 or 4 years ago gamers were asking "Why
> can't we play games that look like some of those FMV clips that
> appear inbetween levels?" and "Why is that tree only like
> a cardboard cutout when you drive by it?".

Now you CAN
> play games that look as good as if not better than FMV and trees
> WILL look like trees, because the consoles have given the game
> designers the power to add detail like that.

There will still be
> naff games out there no matter how good they look onscreen, but at
> least with the extra power available to them designers have the
> potential to make better games than ever before.

And in 5 years
> from now, when we're used to it, we'll be looking at what the next
> generation of consoles will be bringing us.

Just had to go and ruin it with your namby pamby quotes huh!

It does not matter how good the console it the games are crap even 10000000000000000000 polygons a second would still not make it a great game!
Mon 10/09/01 at 00:37
Posts: 0
Mystique wrote:
> Mothra wrote:
> please can all you nasty people not post saying
> "oh how boring
> another crappy newbie discussing console
> wars"


urgh not another newbie
> console wars topic will it never end WHY GOD WHY...*Drops to

sorry-you never tell me not to do
> something by doing that you flick a switch and then i HAVE to do
> it...

tad over the top too

only a tad

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