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"Which Pokemon Game"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Pokemon Gold'.
Wed 05/11/03 at 17:26
Posts: 1
My 5 year old son has just got into Pokemon and he would like to have a Pokemon game for the Gameboy. I would like to get him a second hand game but which one is best? Is there a difference in difficulty between the different coloured games?
Sat 08/11/03 at 18:16
Posts: 2
is ther a johto region on pokemon ruby or sapphire.
Thu 06/11/03 at 09:49
Posts: 482
Gold and Silver is probably the best games.
But later when he is even more hooked on the games you can pick up Ruby or Sapphire-
Wed 05/11/03 at 18:26
Posts: 23,695
The 'not really' in my post was in reply to the difficulty question.
Wed 05/11/03 at 18:25
Posts: 23,695
Not really. It's probably best to go for Gold, Silver or Crystal, because they're likely to be cheaper than Ruby or Sapphire, and actually have quite a bit more depth.
Wed 05/11/03 at 17:26
Posts: 1
My 5 year old son has just got into Pokemon and he would like to have a Pokemon game for the Gameboy. I would like to get him a second hand game but which one is best? Is there a difference in difficulty between the different coloured games?

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