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"gamecube vs xbox vs ps2"

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Thu 06/09/01 at 21:00
Posts: 787
i believe gamecube will lead the way in the console, this is down to innovation. ps2 may have already sold up to 20 million units by the time gamecube hits the shelves but the software that they have to offer is repetitive and 2nd class. gamecube is the epitimy of originality, pikmin is a prime example, Mr shigeru miyamoto is without doubt the greatest games developer of all time! As the gamecube also has a unique disc system it will also allow developers to create high quality games in minimal time. Ps2 however suffers from lack of inovation, it has stunning titles in GT3 and metal gear solid 2, but these will not hold up sony for ever. Xbox is just a plain flop. with no console experience they will drown, it mmay have the greatest spec of all 3 giants, but again it will suffer in the software department. it has not even begun shipping out development kits due to "console Problems.!" sega and namco will back my decison, as one of many 3rd party games developers who have signed up on the nintendo team sheet, with games like perfect dark 2, tekken 4 and piccasio to come , i know where my money lies!
Fri 07/09/01 at 11:41
Posts: 57
Now kids, let's all play nicely and just be friends.

You see, back in my days, we had to pull together.
It was a lovely community spirit, you could leave your key on a bit of string and nobody would break in and steal things.

Of course, we didn't have that many things but that isn't the point.
We all just got round the radio and sang, played board games and made houses from match-sticks.

Mostly the women, our men had to off and fight in the war.
Not "war" like you understand it, "console wars" doesn't make any sense.
I can't see thousands of little consoles going away for a while to another country and fighting.
Fri 07/09/01 at 11:34
Posts: 0
Noobee wrote:
> i know
he thinks he so speshul with big posts abowt nuthing
u know
> xbox will smash the greystation 2

>like the hulk

Don't make me Ang Lee, you won't like me.
Fri 07/09/01 at 11:32
"I am a mong"
Posts: 31
i know
he thinks he so speshul with big posts abowt nuthing
u know xbox will smash the greystation 2

like the hulk
Fri 07/09/01 at 11:23
Posts: 0
Oh dear.
Fri 07/09/01 at 11:09
"I am a mong"
Posts: 31
u say 2 many words and dont rite about things that i can understand
Fri 07/09/01 at 10:58
Posts: 0
Oh dear, the bias.

A little mind-bending needs to take place here methinks.

1: There is no console 'war'. Competition is actually a GOOD thing.

Nintendo were lazy in developing the N64, and with the games. They produced too few, even though they were of a high quality. Now, due to the competition, they have to try harder. They came up with 'The Nintendo Difference' a promise to launch innovative titles. What I've seen so far the games look very promising. Plus they've already announced the lead games for a second and third wave of releases - they're better prepared than ever before.

Sony have a strong collection of developers working for them, and as they are direct competitors with Microsoft now they will have to push out the boundaries to make people buy their console rather than Billy Boy Gates'. Unfortunatley reports have told that Sony want to have better looking graphics, rather than innovative games, but hey, they know what sells!

Microsoft won't fail, they have so much money behind them, they'll force this thing into your homes. Well, maybe not here in Europe, but they will make the USA their own territory within time unless it really is that bad!

2: It doesn't matter who is 'winning'. Just because there are more Playstation owners out there it doesn't mean you can't buy an Xbox, if that's the console that appeals to you. Just because Nintendo is dismissed as a kids console you needn't dismiss it, give it a chance if you want.

3: It's all about the games. Buy the console that has the games you want to play, be it the more realistic feel of the PS2, with games like Gran Turismo and the creepy Devil May Cry, go for the Xbox if it's the PC style titles you like, but you're sick of forever upgrading, and sitting in front of a monitor. Go for Nintendo if you're a kid. Sorry, just kidding there! Go for Nintendo if you're a fan of that style of game. Their approach certainly appears to be one of fun over realism, and the games really do look fun. Also they DO have a promising list of games for the older gamer this time around.

So, summing up folks, war is bad, playing games is good. Don't bow down to peer pressure, and have fun.
Fri 07/09/01 at 08:40
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
semajal wrote:
> Ant wrote:
> semajal wrote:
> why the hell do people make
> fun of NOM?

> are a good mag. Best
> ive ever read!
> Wanna argue?

> lose.

You what?

My 5-year-old
> sister who only ever plays Spyro
> could write a better mag tha
> those twonks down at NOM!

Ok lets see you sis write a better mag.
> Go on. Prove it.

This is my sister typing:

Hello, and welcome to my gaming magazine. Gaming is great, and you should buy games. Bye.

Thu 06/09/01 at 23:39
Posts: 18,185
FantasyMeister wrote:
> Mr Jag wrote:
> Xbox is just a
> plain flop.

It hasn't
> been launched yet. Your synopsis of the success of the X-Box is a
> little premature.

You have to predict the future in FOG although i believe the X-box does have a future predistions is what FOG is all about.

> with no console experience they will
> drown, it mmay have
> the greatest spec of all 3 giants, but
> again it will suffer in the
> software department.

Deja Vu
> here, were you a Saturn owner around the time of the Sony
> Playstation launch by any chance? Saturn/Nintendo owners all said
> exactly the same thing about Sony when they launched the
> Playstation.

That Sony may ahve better specs than all 3 giants? The PS better specs than a 64 bit 64? the X-box will surive but Japan dont like it Britain are unsure it is only really a few Americans but hey well see.

> it has not even begun shipping out
> development
> kits due to "console
> Problems.!"

Development kits were shipped months ago, hence
> why there are currently over 100 games in development for the X-Box.

hmm around the same for the Gamecube aswell!

> sega and namco will back
> my decison, as one of many
> 3rd party games developers who > have signed up on the nintendo
> team sheet, with games like perfect dark
> 2, tekken 4 and
> piccasio to come , i know where my money lies!

Is that the same
> sega and namco that are developing games for the X-Box?

Yes but Namco are blown away by the GC hence soul calibur 2 and Sega and Ninty are like best mates they all say well done to Ninty.

Zelda, Mario sunshine, PD2, Eternal Darkness, luigi's mansion and so many more for me!
Thu 06/09/01 at 22:48
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
Ant wrote:
> semajal wrote:
> why the hell do people make fun of NOM?

> are a good mag. Best
> ive ever read! Wanna argue?

> lose.

You what?

My 5-year-old sister who only ever plays Spyro
> could write a better mag tha those twonks down at NOM!

Ok lets see you sis write a better mag. Go on. Prove it.
Thu 06/09/01 at 22:47
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
they have slipped since the Gamecube was revealed but when its released im sure they will improve cos they will have loads of new stuff to write about. At the mo there are no interesting n64 gamesw up and coming so there isn't much to talk about.

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