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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Sun 30/11/03 at 11:33
Posts: 9
Which do you think is best out of :

Zelda: Ocarina of Time/ majoras Mask

Banjo Kazooie/ Tooie

Turok 1/2/3/rage wars

Body Harvest

Blast Corps

007 Goldeneye

super Mario 64


Duke Nukem 3d

Donkey kong 64
Sun 30/11/03 at 14:05
Posts: 18,185
Majora's Mask.

Why no shadowman and Conker hmmmmmmmmmmm?
Sun 30/11/03 at 14:05
"Sal Paradise"
Posts: 708
Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT Zelda: OOT

Sun 30/11/03 at 13:09
Posts: 113
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Sun 30/11/03 at 13:08
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
It also helps knowing how to get the amazing gold-dust reinforced sword at the earliest possible.

Sun 30/11/03 at 13:07
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Yup, I did it no problem.

Now for a brake. Aaah.
Sun 30/11/03 at 13:06
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
The bosses are 10000x easier than in OOT, especially that fish one.
Sun 30/11/03 at 12:53
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Aha, I am at the Genius fish boss.

Woo. I love this game.
Sun 30/11/03 at 12:28
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
You are insane, man!
Go out and get that special edition disk and play it through. You are missing out on one of the most enjoyable games of all time.
Sun 30/11/03 at 12:17
Posts: 13,611
You know, I never had a chance to play Majora's Mask.
Sun 30/11/03 at 12:02
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Majora's Mask, without a doubt.

I'm playing through again on my Collectros disk. Just reached the Water dungeon place thingy.


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