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"Batman Begins - XBox"

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Thu 15/02/07 at 14:23
Posts: 439
At least the people behind the latest Superman game realized that Superman's thing is flying around with a great big 'S' on his chest and fighting evil by punching it repeatedly in the face till it falls over. Batman, on the other hand, has been the subject of at least ten different games, and not a single one let you really 'be' Batman. Instead, most of the were generic beat-em-ups or platform games in which you, as the Caped Crusader, pummelled the living daylights out of a series of foes, and that was about it. Because while it's true that Batman can handle himself in a fight, his typical MO is to hide in the shadows, emerging to take out bad guys, and then slip back into that shadows. His chief weapon is not physical strength but fear, a fact that all Batman games have ignored. Until now, that is.

Because Batman Begins, the game of the movie, introduces a significant stealth element into the mix. You can sneak around the game's various levels, dispatching foes by grabbing them from above, or sneaking up on them and knocking them out. Fear also plays a part in the game - you can smash certain items to frighten bad guys, who will drop their guns. Which makes them much much easier to dispatch - in fact, if all your opponents are armed, you're pretty much screwed. It sticks reasonably close to the movie's plot, in fact filling in some of the gaps from the movie, and actually features the voices of the movie actors and looks pretty good, especially when running on the XBox 360.

Which sounds good, but the game is brought down by the fact it's so linear. You're shunted through a series of small boxy areas, and it's painfully clear what you're supposed to do. In fact, you can only smash objects that the game highlights for you. It's certainly a step in the right direction for what will presumably be the first in a series of Batman movie games, and it is fun for maybe a couple of hours. But given how limited and linear the game is, and how dull the game gets when you realize you're being led through the game by the hand, you'll get tired of it very quickly.
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Thu 15/02/07 at 14:23
Posts: 439
At least the people behind the latest Superman game realized that Superman's thing is flying around with a great big 'S' on his chest and fighting evil by punching it repeatedly in the face till it falls over. Batman, on the other hand, has been the subject of at least ten different games, and not a single one let you really 'be' Batman. Instead, most of the were generic beat-em-ups or platform games in which you, as the Caped Crusader, pummelled the living daylights out of a series of foes, and that was about it. Because while it's true that Batman can handle himself in a fight, his typical MO is to hide in the shadows, emerging to take out bad guys, and then slip back into that shadows. His chief weapon is not physical strength but fear, a fact that all Batman games have ignored. Until now, that is.

Because Batman Begins, the game of the movie, introduces a significant stealth element into the mix. You can sneak around the game's various levels, dispatching foes by grabbing them from above, or sneaking up on them and knocking them out. Fear also plays a part in the game - you can smash certain items to frighten bad guys, who will drop their guns. Which makes them much much easier to dispatch - in fact, if all your opponents are armed, you're pretty much screwed. It sticks reasonably close to the movie's plot, in fact filling in some of the gaps from the movie, and actually features the voices of the movie actors and looks pretty good, especially when running on the XBox 360.

Which sounds good, but the game is brought down by the fact it's so linear. You're shunted through a series of small boxy areas, and it's painfully clear what you're supposed to do. In fact, you can only smash objects that the game highlights for you. It's certainly a step in the right direction for what will presumably be the first in a series of Batman movie games, and it is fun for maybe a couple of hours. But given how limited and linear the game is, and how dull the game gets when you realize you're being led through the game by the hand, you'll get tired of it very quickly.

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