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"The Water Temple on Ocarina of Time"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Thu 12/02/04 at 10:03
"Moody DJ"
Posts: 387
Now THAT was a bast of a dungeon!
Fri 13/02/04 at 08:59
"Moody DJ"
Posts: 387
Every time I attack Dark Link he keeps shouting "MY MILKSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD" at me. Which is frightening.
Fri 13/02/04 at 08:04
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
maddmun wrote:
> Dark Link was hard the first time I fought him.
> Then I discovered that he's defencless against Dins Fie, so I used
> that when he got near until he was dead.
> Simple.

Absolutely, and whenever i planned to go into the water temple I always kept a spare bottle full of the green potion so I could finish him off without running out of magic.

I think my favoruite dungeon was the Spirit temple, absoloutely great.
Fri 13/02/04 at 03:03
Posts: 11,038
Dark Link was hard the first time I fought him.
Then I discovered that he's defencless against Dins Fie, so I used that when he got near until he was dead.
Thu 12/02/04 at 19:06
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
The Dark Link fight ruled muchly. Well, the bit beforehand, in the spooky room.
The actual fight was stupidly easy.

Although I heard everywhere else it was really hard : P
Because I had the Biggorn's Sword?
He just didn't do anything - just let me hit him.
Thu 12/02/04 at 12:09
Posts: 10,437
For sheer atmosphere I'd go for the Forest Temple. Aaaarrgh! The twisted corridor!
Thu 12/02/04 at 12:04
Posts: 18,185
Spirit and shadow ruled....

Water was so damn crap.
Thu 12/02/04 at 11:50
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Water Temple - There was always one key I couldn't find, and Dark Link was a bug*er a lot of the time.

Spirit Temple = Best. I just love the Gerudo area.
Thu 12/02/04 at 11:47
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I didn't think the Water Temple was too bad, personally.

The worst part was the fact that you couldn't swin (unlike in a Super Mario game). Therefore, when you needed to go up-or-down through water, it was, literaly, just as case of `sink-or-swinŽ (...or "rise", to the surface).

I hated the Shadown Temple, though. That music really gave me the creeps! :S And, whenever something suddenly moved or jumped-out - AAGH! :)
Thu 12/02/04 at 11:08
Posts: 10,437
Shadow Temple is easily the best.
Thu 12/02/04 at 10:55
"Moody DJ"
Posts: 387
I want that in game soundtrack! The amount of times I got hypnotised by the Forest Temple...

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