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"legend of zelda ocarina of time ----- who knows were all the potion faries are?"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Thu 19/02/04 at 14:39
"im a nooooooob"
Posts: 1
i want to know i think ive missed one out *cry*
Thu 19/02/04 at 17:24
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Potion faires? Small fairies that you can put in a bottle do you mean? Well I can only remember on clearly after not playing it for so long, and that is on top of the hedge maze in the lost woods just before the long corridor to the Forest temple. You climb up the ladder opposite the corridor entrance and just jump over to the hole.
But the big faires thatgive you things as well as health recharge. There is the Hyrule temple one the one ontop of the mountain, inside the volcano, the desert clearing outside of the spirit temple as a child (use bomb on crack in wall).
Thu 19/02/04 at 14:39
"im a nooooooob"
Posts: 1
i want to know i think ive missed one out *cry*

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