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"The Sims bustin' out has got to be the..."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Sims : Bustin Out'.
Wed 10/03/04 at 16:50
"Socom 3 > All."
Posts: 733
most boring game ever, the people still don't talk sense, its exactly the same as other sims games apart from you can go live in a nudist camp
it is utter rubbish
Sun 14/03/04 at 15:42
Posts: 102
i know the sims bustin out isnt the best game in the world but f1 is right it is a relaxing game and at least it gives you something to do
Sun 14/03/04 at 13:34
"Just Bog Standard.."
Posts: 4,589
I quite like Bustin' Out. It's a game you can just sit down and play without having to worry about anything really, apart from your sim wetting itself. It's a relaxing game to play.
Sat 13/03/04 at 17:36
Posts: 102
you should by it from game
Sat 13/03/04 at 16:06
"Rememba me?!"
Posts: 451
swirv it wrote:
> Zig zag wrote:
> I have got the Sims and it is very bad. It broke three days after
> and
> they wouldn' let me change it.
> well where did you by it from

I got it from john lewis.
Sat 13/03/04 at 15:27
"R.I.P Acestar"
Posts: 829
i got Harry Potter for ps1 from woolworths and it broke[B]
Thu 11/03/04 at 20:01
Posts: 102
Zig zag wrote:
> I have got the Sims and it is very bad. It broke three days after and
> they wouldn' let me change it.

well where did you by it from
Thu 11/03/04 at 19:45
"Rememba me?!"
Posts: 451
I have got the Sims and it is very bad. It broke three days after and they wouldn' let me change it.
Wed 10/03/04 at 20:41
"R.I.P Acestar"
Posts: 829
yer the bustin out bit was dissapointing it seemed more of a loading screen. The game is ok not a real improvement on the last console one
Wed 10/03/04 at 19:33
"forceful tendencies"
Posts: 450
Shouldnt they actually make a game where you can see the boobs?
Wed 10/03/04 at 18:08
"Brooklyn boy"
Posts: 14,935
Well the Sims is hardly renowned for it's improvements in sequels. They basically have one new theme and then a load of new stuff to buy. Ooooh look you can go outside and down to the town now.......that'd be 40 pounds please for this mega improvement over the original.

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