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"mario kart on bbc2"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Fri 12/03/04 at 21:39
Posts: 468
if any one watched that program on bbc 2 (if the lights go out) it showed a little girl hooked to her gamecube playing mario kart dd, hope they got permission from nintendo, by the way the girl was doing surprisingly crap, she was peach and daisy that explains a lot!
Thu 18/03/04 at 20:22
Posts: 468
i'd back away too if i looked like pricess peach
Sat 13/03/04 at 18:36
"Plate of glue"
Posts: 5,183
Yes... *backs away slowly from chatterbox*
Sat 13/03/04 at 12:37
Posts: 1,497
chatterbox wrote:
> she was peach and daisy that explains a lot!

Yeah! They are rubbish characters!
Sat 13/03/04 at 09:51
"the burning sky"
Posts: 4,984
Well if you had any sense, you would have taken a piccy of it and sent it into NGC for a free game.
Fri 12/03/04 at 21:59
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
it does?
Fri 12/03/04 at 21:39
Posts: 468
if any one watched that program on bbc 2 (if the lights go out) it showed a little girl hooked to her gamecube playing mario kart dd, hope they got permission from nintendo, by the way the girl was doing surprisingly crap, she was peach and daisy that explains a lot!

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