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"Please Help"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Final Fantasy IX'.
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:13
"Time Up"
Posts: 755
Disc 3 of my FF9 got busted, and now it doesn't work, and I want to buy it again but they don't sell it here. Does anyone know a site where I can get it ?
Sun 21/03/04 at 01:31
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Someone is selling a copy on £30 though, bit steep considering you could probably pick it up for around £10-£15 in an independant games store.
Sat 20/03/04 at 22:38
"Plate of glue"
Posts: 5,183
That you sound like the new version of oracle.
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:37
"Time Up"
Posts: 755
Edgy wrote:
> You sound like a new version of 'The Oracle'.
What do you mean ?
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:22
Posts: 15,681
You sound like a new version of 'The Oracle'.
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:15
"Time Up"
Posts: 755
Legendary Link wrote:
> try ebay
I can't buy from e-bay.
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:14
Posts: 2,769
try ebay
Sat 20/03/04 at 20:13
"Time Up"
Posts: 755
Disc 3 of my FF9 got busted, and now it doesn't work, and I want to buy it again but they don't sell it here. Does anyone know a site where I can get it ?

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