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"best game of all time"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Mon 22/03/04 at 21:48
"Born of the Earth!"
Posts: 51
Whats the best game of all time?I think Legend of Zelda Orcarina of time
Wed 24/03/04 at 11:30
Posts: 18,185
Icaruss wrote:
> Dringo wrote:
> X-com?
> Hmmm maybe.
> It was addicitive right to the end. Which was a long time away

I prefered Apocalypse.
Wed 24/03/04 at 07:37
": ("
Posts: 5,614
Championship Manager 4
Wed 24/03/04 at 07:36
Posts: 4,098
JC941 wrote:
> Auf deutsch wrote:
> Universal Studios
> Oh how I loved that game....
> What other games can you actually pick up litter in for fun?
> The picking-up-litter game on Wario Ware. It's 2-player as well.!!

*shakes fist in hypocrisy*
Wed 24/03/04 at 01:47
Posts: 9,848
Goldeneye... sort of.

A bit out dated but for it's time.
Perfect Dark WOULD BE if the N64 could manage it without the slowdown.

Wed 24/03/04 at 00:15
Posts: 2,849
Dringo wrote:
> X-com?
> Hmmm maybe.

It was addicitive right to the end. Which was a long time away
Tue 23/03/04 at 23:29
Posts: 7,741
JC941 wrote:
> The picking-up-litter game on Wario Ware. It's 2-player as well.!!

Aah yes, too bloody right mate. :D
Tue 23/03/04 at 23:19
Posts: 18,185

Hmmm maybe.
Tue 23/03/04 at 23:16
Posts: 2,849
I think the best game of ALL TIME is a toss up between Ocarina of Time and UFO Enemy Unknown.
Tue 23/03/04 at 23:13
Posts: 18,185
And OOT refined it, bettered it and added a complex plot and varying Gameplay.

OOT rules...

Zelda rules full stop.

Best game? Pokemon... then Conker... then Zelda... then Shadowman.
Tue 23/03/04 at 21:22
Posts: 1
MArio 64 is better than OoT. If mario 64 wasn't as good as it was then OoT wouldn't have been as good. Mario 64 defined 3D gaming.

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