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"Banjo Kazooie Gruntys Revenge, i'm lost."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Banjo Kazooie'.
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:36
"i dont know!"
Posts: 4
Hi folks i'm new to this site so a big hello to you all. Anyhoo I bought a gameboy advance sp yesterday and i'm stuck in the farm level at the beginning, ive been turned into a mouse been here there and everywhere and i haven't a clue where the hell to go. Could someone help me please? Cant see anything and its probably staring right at me and im overlooking it.
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:44
"i dont know!"
Posts: 4
Never heard of it, Obviously lol. Not a die hard gamer like some of you. i'm just a damsel in distress.
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:42
Posts: 10,489

I am still amazed at how few people know this site.
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:42
Posts: 3,863
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:41
"i dont know!"
Posts: 4
CAn you help me then? I hate running around in circles.
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:41
Posts: 4,558
Parr wrote:
> What game you got mate?

Thu 15/04/04 at 14:40
Posts: 3,863
*feels an idiot*

Sorry, i didnt read the topic, came here from the who's online bit of the home page :P
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:39
"i dont know!"
Posts: 4
Banjo Kazooie gruntys Revenge, sorry i added that in the thread title. Doh!
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:38
Posts: 10,489
Parr wrote:
> What game you got mate?

Thu 15/04/04 at 14:37
Posts: 3,863
What game you got mate?
Thu 15/04/04 at 14:36
"i dont know!"
Posts: 4
Hi folks i'm new to this site so a big hello to you all. Anyhoo I bought a gameboy advance sp yesterday and i'm stuck in the farm level at the beginning, ive been turned into a mouse been here there and everywhere and i haven't a clue where the hell to go. Could someone help me please? Cant see anything and its probably staring right at me and im overlooking it.

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